Lifestyle News

Top 10 biggest scams of 2022, it’s abused

There is very little debate on this: 2022 has been a rotten year overall, based on war, economic crisis and energy crisis. To tell you, I myself thought of withdrawing from the world to become a hermit in a place where no one could ever find me. A lost place like Nancy or Nîmes. But that is not the topic …

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Top 12 proofs that 2022 will have been the worst year in history

This morning, after waking up in a bad mood, after taking a shower that was too cold and drinking a disgusting coffee in my rotten apartment, I had this very not very positive reflection: we had a shitty year after all. And even more: we may have just experienced the worst year in history (which still goes back a long …

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Top 14 tips for playing 49.3, the government’s favorite game

You dreamed of it, they haven’t done it yet, but maybe one day: 49.3, the government board game, one day, maybe, at your favorite retailers! In order to make you the master of the game even before its release, here are our tips to ensure you a victory! Early Christmas present. 1. Play in a room heated to 19°C Especially …

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Top 8 Hangover Cures Throughout History

The gdb (or veisalgie as people say who want to make themselves interesting but who are not really interesting) is one of the greatest evils of humanity and also our greatest paradox. Our life could be summed up in this infinite loop: drink, drink too much, regret, forget, drink again. If we had told you about hangover remedies around the …

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Top 8 everyday products that come from deforestation and we don’t know it

The European Union sealed an agreement on Tuesday, December 6, 2022: a law aimed at banning the import of products resulting from deforestation in the territory. How historic a decision, since this is the very first time (on a global scale) that such an agreement has been signed! If Europe makes this choice first, it is not really a coincidence: …

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Top 10 things that went wrong and that’s good, failures that feel good

As a person I just made up said, “Success in life is good, but sometimes failing when you had a shitty idea at the start is not bad either”. It’s a real life lesson that happens to be verified when we take a look at all those things that almost changed our existence in the wrong direction but which, fortunately, …

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