Lifestyle News

Top 9 worst Middle Age foods, yum yum

The Middle Ages, this period when we played football with pig’s bladders, when we could cry from a cold or a sore throat, and during which “Guigues” was a normal first name. THE BELLE ÉPOQUE, WHAT! The picture is almost perfect, but it still lacks a big thing: the infamous food. Yum yum the small roast hedgehog main course. Too …

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Top 13 stars who dated fans (the lucky ones)

Who has never dreamed of a completely crazy love affair with their idol? We’ve all done it. We all had (or still have, for that matter) a “celebrity crush” to whom we wouldn’t say no, if you know what I mean. Even if there is very little chance that it will happen one day, you never know! There are still …

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Top 19 stylish tattoos that look even better in motion, that’s genius

Having a tattoo can be very swag, as they say in Creuse colleges. As much as there are tattoos that should be banned, some should be offered to the whole population as they are beautiful, like minimalist tattoos or tattoos that are revealed in motion. Be careful, put on your glasses because these works of art are worth a look. …

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Top 8 of the most messed up layoffs in history, the big fails

It’s never very pleasant to be fired (although sometimes when you work in a horrible company it can be good). Today we are talking to you not about the most sadistic dismissals, but about those who are simply screwed up by forgetfulness, stupidity or blindness in the face of a truly scandalous employee. 1. Amazon, which fires its best employee …

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Top 15 self-scripted series predictions, these hidden spoilers

Quite often the scriptwriters play with us without us realizing it by hiding visual details in the shots or meaningful sentences in the dialogues. It is then on the second viewing of a work that our eyes open (it’s an image, otherwise you don’t know how to watch a series) and we realize that it was there from the start, …

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Top 12 Child Actors Who Had Horrible Parents, Pay For Your Childhood

The life of a star is not always the rosiest, especially when you have traumatic shoots or horrible parents who want to take advantage of this celebrity at all costs. This is what happened for the stars below who, in addition to having had to manage a very complicated career as a child actor, we also had to deal with …

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Come and discover the Unemployed Comedy Club (and it’s free too)

Well, we thought it was hard for a lot of people this fall: it’s long, it’s cold and it’s expensive. So Topito has decided to create for you an evening, finally a morning, of free stand-up at the mythical Point Virgule. So that everyone, we said everyone (unemployed, retired, student, without status, newborns) can laugh at the start of the …

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Top 12 recipes invented by mistake (thank you fate)

It’s taste time (no, not really. But there’s no time to have fun, actually)! No matter how hard I look, I can’t think of anything better in this miserable life than food. Sugar. The fat. Calories. YUM. As a great passionate about gastronomy and pastry of all kinds, I would like to thank today all the clumsy, the boloss, the …

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