Lifestyle News

Top 12 movies where everyone dies at the end, as in life finally

Ok so watch out, it’s going to be a severe spoiler in this top, as the title suggests. If you haven’t seen these films, don’t read, and if you don’t care, well read, in any case, no channel can stop me from telling me badly about the end of these works where almost everyone passes the weapon on the left, …

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Top 8 famous works misinterpreted (and it’s a bit stupid)

It’s all very well to write stories or essays, but we too often forget that works are confronted with this terrible scourge: interpretation. Between what we want to say, what we think we are saying, what we are really saying, what we believe that people have understood, what people have really understood and what they may have understood, it there’s …

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Top 14 of the worst job offers in history, do not accept this job!

We would all like to have a job that pays well and a nice boss, but the reality is often more unpleasant (not to say completely rotten uc). When looking for a job, we more often come across crappy advertisements than quality job offers. More often on disgusting salaries and absurd demands than on nuggets that make you want to …

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Top 12 questions you should never ask, it’s best to shut up

In life, there are things not to say. Like “The tuna juice is delicious”, “the neighbor is buried under the shed, if you’re looking for him” or old phrases that young people can no longer hear. But you can also add to your list those absurd/horrible/awkward questions that no one, I mean no one, has ever wanted to answer. So …

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Top 12 actors who are only known for one role, it stuck with them

Some artists are forever marked by one of their works, the one that remains and defines them in the eyes of the world; it’s cruel but that’s how it is, sorry. If certain writers, painters or musicians are convincing examples of this, we are going to concentrate here on the actors, because on the one hand it sells more and …

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Top 40+ Best Gifts For Obi Wan Kenobi Fans

It is always said that the best go first but thanks to the magic of cinema they often come back from the dead. Obi Wan Kenobi is lucky to belong to those we don’t want to see go. If he matters to you and you couldn’t get over his death (small spoiler, oops), here’s the chance to make him immortal …

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Top 20 of the rarest female names in France, and there may be a reason

In the crowd of first names authorized by the Civil Registry there are some really weird things, the proof is that having an original first name is not always a godsend. But if you want to play around with rarity, here is a non-exhaustive list of the rarest first names given in France. I warn you there is food and …

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Top 10 signs that we may win Roland Garros

After almost 40 years since our dear Yannick, we would like a small French victory at the most famous French tennis tournament in the world. Between Nadal, Alcaraz, Djoko or even Tsitsipas (among men I hear), the French are not very serene. Especially since the French star Monfils is absent, in short nothing is going well. And yet here is …

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Top 20 tweets that will resonate with people who have siblings

Recognizing an only child is simple. He didn’t evolve the same way as those who had to survive in a hostile environment made up of siblings willing to do anything to get better than their own siblings. Because yes, life is completely different when our parents have decided to have several kids. Siblings build character, and they also give us …

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