Lifestyle News

Top 9 Weird Things Melting Snow Causes To Reappear

If I say “global warming”, will you answer me? Exaaaactly, you answer me “we’re in deep shit” and you’re right! In addition to the big episodes of heat waves this summer, and the droughts which caused many things to reappear by surprise, global warming also induces the melting of snow (or even ice depending on altitude) in the mountains. Since …

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Top 12 of the next revelations on Damien Abad, it was him from the beginning

As I write these lines, Damien Abad has been Minister for Solidarity for barely five days, the ministry in charge of health, prevention, social affairs and solidarity. All nice and benevolent stuff, not at all the kind of ministry one would want to give to someone accused of rape or who is cited in a case of attempted murder for …

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Top 10 first names that have connotations abroad (those to avoid)

In life, we are not all born with the same chances. On the other hand, we do not envy the good people: we focus on those who are born loaded with money, but in reality, they are not the luckiest. Benoit, Marie, Emma, ​​Élise, Louise, Quentin…: they are the real lucky ones. People with classic first names, which blend into …

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Top 15 athletes who ended up ruined, plus a kopeck

They earn millions during their career and often we envy them a lot, but that doesn’t prevent some from ending up totally ruined, which is quite sad. So the “you don’t go with your money from your grave” may be true, but still having money helps a lot in life generally. Here are 15 examples of people who are a …

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Top 15 of the best diversions of Pécresse on his stairlift, a masterpiece

Our little candidate LR for the 2022 presidential election is one of the most surprising people with whom you never get bored. Between her great Tinder profile as a 2022 presidential candidate and the things to do to be a real Frenchman according to Valérie Pécresse, we already had a lot of fun. But Valoche gave us even more grain …

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