Lifestyle News

Top 12 of the last examples of missing technologies

In life we ​​invent things (sometimes we even invent things that we regret) and then along the way, acting progress, we move on to something else leaving behind us the very last copies of a long series of objects at the obsolete utility. We deliver to you the last vestiges of another time. 1. New York’s Last Phone Booth And …

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Top 13 of Vinted’s biggest dorks, episode 15

Hello my little sheets of card stock! So how do we like fashion, clothes, beauty and spending our money on clothes we don’t need? I know you by heart! Well, you’re absolutely right, because that love has led us all to the best app in the world, aka Vinted, the one that warms our hearts on a rainy Wednesday night …

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Top 40+ last minute Mother’s Day gifts, for those who skip every year

This year again you can’t escape it, you COMPLETELY forgot to buy a gift for Mother’s Day. And if your mom tells you every year that “it wasn’t worth it”, we don’t advise you to take her sentence literally at the risk of drawing her wrath. “It wasn’t worth it” means “thank you, you better not forget next year”. In …

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Top 15 of the best adaptations of comics to the cinema, it’s rare

So it’s true, I’m the first, I’m going to allow myself to yell until I lose my voice against producers attracted only by money who, to make sure to fill their pockets, prefer to ruin some of the most iconic comics of our childhood. or Graphic Novels that we love when there are lots of original scenarios that are left …

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Top 10 unusual encounters between athletes and politicians, clash of universes

Given the importance that sport has taken in our lives, it is quite normal for politicians to get involved. Between meetings with the players, social dinners or even handshakes, we have already had a lot of awkward moments between sportsmen and politicians, here is a small summary of the last ones that made us smile the most. 1. Zemmour falls …

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Top 16 memories we all have with our college diaries, the good old days

The start of the school year has already passed for some time, and yet, we keep rehashing our memories of SVT classes and rethinking the memories we kept of our Spanish classes. As a result, we saw each other again 10 years (20 years? 30 years? 70 years?) earlier scribbling things in our diary, this little book that contained more …

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Top 45+ gifts dedicated to Judo fans, more than a passion, a religion

Do you spend more time on the tatami than in your bed? Teddy Riner doesn’t even scare you? Are combat sports your hobby? Well I think you understood, we have concocted for you, young judoka, a top that suits you to show your passion. I promise I’ll stop the rhymes even if I have some left under the carpet.

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Top 30+ Gifts for Hamsters and Guinea Pigs Fans

You wanted a dog, we got you a guinea pig. Disappointed at first, you then got really attached to Peanut who was rolling around in his little wheel and shit absolutely everywhere. And then it stuffed you because you had to clean his cage all the time and you kind of abandoned him. And then one day he died and …

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Top 11 techniques to not pay for your wedding (and save money)

A wedding = ultra embarrassing PowerPoints, a DJ who plays Patrick Sébastien 12 times, girls in high heels tearing their hair out for a bouquet or even a thousand people that you absolutely do not want to see, gathered in the same room. As if that wasn’t bad enough, it also has to cost a blind. Really. An arm, a …

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