Lifestyle News

Top 11 funny tweets on Doctolib, the most wonderful site in the world

If, like me, you fall ill approximately every half hour (well, that’s what you think, you often have a runny nose), Doctolib is normally your first favorite browser page. I personally started thinking about buying shares in the box as I participated in the development of this platform. And as Doctolib was very useful to us during the Covid, we …

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Top 12 People Who Build An Infuriating Personality Around Something

It sucks to be a bland person, but there’s something even worse: building your personality around a single passion, a single job, or even a single object. It is equivalent to having no personality and having lost in the great game of life. I prefer to warn you, it annoys me so much that I will use an aggressive tone …

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Top 14 things that will disappear with Millennials, RIP

Needless to say that millennials are those people born between 84 and 96 (more or less)? Well, if like me you are part of this strange population fed on boy bands and educated by TV, you will undoubtedly recognize these elements which define our generation and which are destined to die slowly with us. Strength. 1. The memory of a …

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Top 13 of the most unexpected deaths in cinema, you shouldn’t blink

WARNING: this top contains spoilers. If you don’t want to be a victim of it, we advise you immediately to read another top, like the advice for creating your own sect, which has absolutely nothing to do with it, but which I’m rather proud of. For the others, you can absolutely continue reading because we are going to talk about …

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Top 12 People Complaining About Free Stuff, Total Abuse

Everyone likes to complain; it’s human and it’s good to moan from time to time. We like to say “it’s too damn far away” when we’re 5 minutes away or “there’s nothing to eat in this barrack” when there’s just no more cheese. The real problem is that there are people who complain all the time and the worst are …

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Top 15 WhatsApp groups we all have, Gillou left the conversation

I do not think to throw a stone in the pond (only a small pebble) by saying that WhatsApp is a separate application with rules to explain to our parents and WhatsApp tricks that no one knows. But it is above all a separate app, because unlike the others, there are a multitude of all different group conversations, which are …

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Top 12 Siblings Who Shared A Role And We Didn’t Notice

Hollywood has many ways of tricking us, sometimes with deceptive special effects and sometimes with actors and their doubles, it’s normal, it’s the art of lying. But there’s one aspect that we didn’t see coming and that was just when studios used siblings to play the same character on screen, times when no one blundered but where we were still …

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