Lifestyle News

Top 9 of the hardest stars with themselves, they have easy self-criticism

We all have slumps where we feel a bit like shit looking at our lives, it’s normal, even if we mustn’t be too hard on ourselves and constantly insult ourselves. This kind of slack also happens to celebrities, because success and fame are not everything, we all have our neuroses. We therefore suggest that you see some of these stars …

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Top 10 words to stop translating into French, it’s ugly

The French language evolves over time, it’s normal, the words change, the expressions too and sometimes we create new words. Some English words come naturally into our everyday language and the General Delegation for the French language and the languages ​​of France is still trying to invent French equivalents to protect the heritage of our beautiful country, but we have …

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Top 8 rules Qatar imposes on World Cup supporters

Less than two months from the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, the organizing committee unveils the rules established by the country, the time of the competition, for accredited persons and supporters. These guidelines are enacted in a document called “Qatar – Do’s and Don’ts 2022”. Well, believe me, I’ve known musette balls in villages of 20 inhabitants in the depths …

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Top 10 tips for taking a good photo of your feet (it can be useful)

For some time now, selling photos of your feet has been the new way to make yourself look pretty easily without leaving your feathers too much. Fortunately, there are toe fetishists to make ends meet. But the real question that arises then is not so much to know how to bait the barge because ultimately your marketing plan belongs to …

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Top 10 benefits of global warming, too good a plan the burning planet

No need to be climate-skeptical to see all the benefits of global warming that we are currently experiencing and which looks set to cause quite a mess in the decades to come. 1. We will finally be able to sort out our clothes Because the autumn-winter collections are very nice, but they take up a lot of space in our …

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Top 14 People Who Ask Really Stupid Questions About Famous Movies

Hello suckers. You know sometimes we see things every day without really looking at them and then one day we say to ourselves: what the hell is this shit? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me while doing Google searches (an activity that a lot of people do on a daily basis). I noticed that for each request, God Google …

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Top 10 reasons to hate tourists when you live by the sea

It seems that the most difficult thing when you live by the sea is the back season, when all the tourists have left and you find yourself alone, looking a little lost in the face of the emptiness and silence of the place. . A theory which in reality is nothing but a good big bullshit probably invented by city …

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Top 9 horror stories of birds that killed people, not nice these sparrows

Some sparrows may be the dumbest birds in history or the ugliest birds, but that doesn’t stop them from being dangerous criminals. Thirsty for revenge because they are bullied, some have no qualms about taking the lives of humans who dare to look them in the eye for more than three seconds. Even if it must be admitted that some …

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