Lifestyle News

Top 15 best tweets from @OrdinaryAlso, we are all the same

Hello friends, it’s time for the top twittos that (almost) always make you laugh and as we find it very funny, we have chosen to devote this top to the best tweets of @OrdinaryAlso. Don’t panic if you speak English like François Hollande, we’ll translate it all for you. 1. I don’t want to get up. I want to stay …

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Top 8 signs that your child is not HPI, but then not at all

It’s funny because the proportion of gifted children in France remains estimated at 2.3% (i.e. 200,000 children) except that at the same time the number of institutions to detect kids with High Intellectual Potential continues to increase. … But wait guys, we’re testing it for you, and for free. Spoiler: not sure you like it. 1. He’s not gifted, he …

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Top 20 best shoe memes, tie your shoelaces

The world is like the inside of a shoe that has been worn every day for 2 years by a person with highly uncertain hygiene. Nevertheless, I also find the courage to take the best side of it to offer you this compilation of memes as extravagant as phony on the theme of shoes. The lace loop is closed.

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Top 10 reasons not to give birth in July, a lousy month

You won’t have missed it, the month of July is in full swing and some lucky little guys are even already on vacation But we can’t help but have a thought for all these women who are condemned to give birth in July. Because yes, this is the worst thing that could happen to you and we weigh our words. …

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Top 12 Memorable Roles With One Scene, Cut That’s The Good One

Certain film characters have gone down in history and in pop culture, leaving their lasting imprint in human memory. However, some of them managed the feat of doing so when they were only present on screen in a single scene of the film. I know you, you need examples ranked by points in the form of a top and not …

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Top 20+ Best Personalized Gifts on Etsy

Life, from the top side We are everywhere : Hey, we’re also on Twitter And we give it a lot of love, follow us: The last tip tops We know you still have 5 minutes… The + shared From week On the 7th day, God created the Top From month Our employee of the month Copyright © 2022 Corpito

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