Lifestyle News

Top 10 of the funniest clashes of the month, episode 12

Hi to you lovers of confusion and altercations. Do you rejoice when you see people being clashed on the Internet? GOOD NEWS. You’ve come to the right place kids. Here, we show you the crème de la crème of clashes that hurt. Each month, you are selected for murderous projections by interposed keyboards, when you have not deserved it at …

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12 things to know about the situation in Iran

The situation in Iran has been in the headlines for several days now. Iranians are in the streets, the repression is terrible, and the human toll continues to grow. You may not have taken the time to look into the subject, the tensions may have seemed unclear to you, or the news too sad to interest you. You’re right, what’s …

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Top 25 photos of insects that are really too cute, where to adopt them?

The animal kingdom is badly made: there are animals that are too cute that are not cool at all, ridiculous animals that are in fact super mean and very nice animals discriminated against for their unattractive physique. Of course, I’m talking about insects, which are mocked every day by their fellow mammals, who are much more beloved by humans, statistically …

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Top 10 dumplings so big you wonder how they got by

Making a mistake happens. Make a huge mistake, it can happen but we are also entitled to wonder how we could have come to this without anyone saying to themselves “oh well damn it Gérard, I think it’s bullshit what we’re doing done there, we’re going to fall on the corner of the mouth every time “. Unfortunately, it happens. …

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Top 10 Weirdest Cults in History, by Holy Coconut

In a rather inexplicable way, cults fascinate people, and me the first, because we can’t help but be curious when it comes to these organizations which are sometimes extremely creepy or completely ridiculous. But today we are rather going to talk about those which are really very strange, these rather wacky sects of which one wonders how they managed to …

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Top 11 things traders are allowed to do and we didn’t know

After this little point on what traders are not allowed to do, let’s move on to what they are totally authorized to do! Yes, the customer is not king all the time… And even so, it’s been a while since in France, kings no longer have any power in fact! Put yourself on the page, a little. 1. Establish a …

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Top 20 photos that prove that Canada is not a country like the others

So yes, there are plenty of reasons to never set foot in Canada. But there are also plenty of good reasons to go and live in Canada and the following photos will certainly succeed in convincing you to pack your bags and establish your life in this beautiful country. Because it must be said, despite the snow and its -36,000°C, …

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Top 10 video games where all the characters can die, it does not forgive

If we’ve already told you about the hardest video games of all time, we haven’t yet mentioned those that play with another kind of difficulty: the permanent death of the characters. It’s not really the most complex or the most punishing, it’s the ones where everyone can caner at one time or another, which brings a particular tension if you …

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