Lifestyle News

Top 25 Photoshop Fails That Would Almost Make Art

Photoshop is a wonderful tool for editing images to create beautiful alternate realities (or bullshit montages), but every once in a while it goes wrong. Not everyone is good at it, so editing mistakes happen regularly. Most of the time it’s ugly, but once in a while these mistakes are so beautiful that they should be elevated to works of …

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Top 10 athletes who have changed disciplines during their career

It happens to everyone that, after a certain age, we consider a professional retraining. A banker who becomes a cooper, a tax inspector who becomes a toboggan tester, in short classic. Athletes are also sometimes tired of always doing the same thing for years, tired of pushing a ball in vain, tired of going around in circles around a track, …

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Top 12 Waze tips we should all know to be GPS pros

There are plenty of reasons to prefer your car to your kid, and in particular the fact that you can scream a Celine Dion song in it (which would be very, very weird if we were talking about a child). Taking a car trip is also an opportunity to launch one of our favorite apps, I named the Waze GPS. …

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Top 13 people who are engaged, but not too much

Being engaged is good. But being engaged is not easy. Because being committed often means fighting against ease, and therefore venturing down a path of sacrifice and deprivation. And it’s RELOU to deprive yourself. That’s why we are often engaged, but not too much. But we are not the only ones: look at all these people who are only half …

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Top 10 things that haven’t changed for millennia (and it’s a bit crazy)

We’ve already told you about the stuff that’s older than you think. We had already banged hard, but there… Prepare to be completely swayed (a southern word, which you can translate by much duller verbs like “surprise” or “amaze”): there are things we do (or that we have) today, and which have existed for… Thousands of years. Absolutely crazy this …

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Top 16 of the worst photos taken by delivery people, here the tip

Good….day… excuse me I am out of breath, I have just done 5 minutes of Vélib. Never again will I ride the bike. Never again will I move from my home. I’m going to have everything delivered to me now and never tip delivery people because I’m the worst thing humanity does (after Nagui). The delivery people will hate me, …

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Top 10 things that will be so cool when you retire at 80

You are not unaware that we are on a small retirement subject at the moment. It’s not great news, all right-wing governments have always tried to cut corners on the pension system. So I wonder why we quibble. We might as well retire directly at 80 years old. After all, it’s not that bad, once we get used to it, …

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