Lifestyle News

Top 10 figures of speech that no one knows

Dear friends of the French language, compatriots of lyricism, lovers of alexandrines. We meet today to address the stormy question of figures of speech but not just any. Not the figures of style that we use every day without knowing it, not the figures of style that you need to know to get your baccalaureate… No. Today we are talking …

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Top 20 People Who Have Worse ID Photos Than Yours

You can be a very photogenic person, there will always be one type of photo that you will always look ugly on: passport photos. In addition, it’s bad luck, because these photos, you will stuff them for a good ten years. But that’s how it is, it’s part of the game, and then it makes your friends laugh when you …

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Top 15 celebrity tips for finding a first name for your child

Finding the first name of your child is certainly one of the worst stages of a pregnancy. Come on, it has to be pretty, original, there aren’t 3 in its class, it has to have a symbolism, only this, only that. PFIOUUUUU. BORING, IN FACT. Fortunately for us, some stars have found unstoppable techniques for finding cool, original, and hardly …

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Top 10 manipulation techniques related to food, restaurant tips

Restaurants lie to you, they just want you to order, like your dish and come back. There like that you are going to tell me that they are not really lying but that it is simply the principle of a restaurant that wants to retain its customers, and you are right, but there are techniques that they use in order …

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Top 28 people who did not understand the instructions at all, can you repeat?

In life, we don’t all have the chance to be very smart. I, for example, have always believed that if contractual performance caused damage, there would be high compensation, when in fact, not necessarily because of the limitation or exoneration of liability clauses. Completely fucked the girl. Other people are also not the sharpest pencils in the kit, such as …

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Top 10 things happening in Denmark that shock foreigners

Admit it, you too think that Denmark is the best country in the world!! Well, frankly, you’re right. Between its breathtaking landscapes, its leadership in the field of renewable energies and its place in the list of the happiest countries on Earth, the Danes have nothing to envy anyone! Go shoo, we prepare our suitcase, we buy a big coat, …

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Top 10 best scratch games in history, objectively

As my eco teacher said, “Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it’s always more fun to cry in the Bahamas than to drink 8.6. or something like that. If like me you are thirsty for money and not for 8.6, here is the official ranking of the best scratch games, to scratch to make a lot of wheat while enjoying it. …

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Top 12 Evidence That Paparazzi Are The Worst People In Humanity

If you are currently thinking of a professional retraining and you have a total lack of honor, race and morals you can totally consider becoming a paparazzi, but keep in mind that it is the one of the least ethical professions in the world. Do you think we are exaggerating? We’ll give you a few reasons to really hate them. …

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