Lifestyle News

Top 10 adaptations that changed the original work and did well

Transposing an existing work to the cinema can be a double-edged sword, some are so well done that the authors love them while sometimes the authors hate the adaptations of their works. It’s very easy to stray a little too far from the original work, and if the writers try to change things in the story, sometimes it happens that …

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Top 9 characters who came out as LGBT, a nice surprise

A chance for the kids of the new generation: in addition to having today’s cartoons better than those before, they have the right to children’s programs with LBGT characters. Something you didn’t see often in the productions of previous decades. Luckily, even some of the pop culture characters we’ve known have ended up coming out as LGBT. Not too soon …

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Top 15 players who left and then returned to their club

Chases the natural, it comes back at a gallop. Tell that to Lacazette, he will understand you, it will surely speak to him. Yes, that’s the little news of the morning, after having been at Arsenal for a while, he decides to come back to his favorite club, OL. And that’s not the only one, there are a lot of …

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Top 20 people who forget stuff and it’s funny

IT SEEMS that we have different types of memories, so as many chances of never forgetting anything, and yet… Yet, we all forget things all the time, such as car keys, glasses, or even the simple fact of putting a slip in the morning. And sometimes it causes funny situations to urinate on laughing. Here are some of the most …

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Top 20+ of the coolest DIY Halloween decorations, to get your creativity going

The Halloween decoration, you want it! The thing is, you’d like to do something more original than anything on the shelf, like plastic pumpkins or cobwebs filled with fake plastic spiders. In short, you want to change from the decoration that you see everywhere and even if it means doing something cool, as long as you get your hands dirty …

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Top 10 ways our brain is manipulated by food

Your life has been a lie since its inception, at least when it comes to truths about food. You probably have your tastes, some foods you don’t like and others you love, some because or thanks to their tastes, others for reasons of flavor, texture, acidity, bitterness and so on. It’s normal. Now if we told you that your brain …

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