Lifestyle News

Top 15 of the best tweets from @KeetPotato, the funny Brit

Hi little friends, it’s time for the top twittos and as we know you like to laugh (you wouldn’t be here otherwise, you’d surely be crying in the shower thinking back to all those stupid moments in your life ), we selected the best funny tweets from @KeetPotato, a funny guy as hell. 1. The cows are surprisingly calm considering …

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Top 25 Best Tweets About Rent Take All My Pay

You’re not good there, lying in your sofa or piled up in your bed?? But whose sofa and bed, huh?? Because we see you struggling for your deposit every time people come to squat in your house. So to decompress between tenants, we made a small selection of the best tweets on rent, this thing that sucks us three quarters …

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Top 15 of the best tweets about printers, these instruments of the devil

Printers started disappearing from homes not too long ago because frankly, it was only used to print out Vinted packing slips. And then there was the Covid and we all bought a printer so as not to have to write the exit certificates by hand. We took it badly, we all regret this purchase today. 1. Really bad luck 3. …

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Top 24 funny tweets about our twenties, the best time of our lives

Contrary to the unfortunately too true tweets about turning 30, turning 20 is more like a cakewalk until it can still take less than two days to recover from a hangover. And since we’ve all been there, a little top tweet was needed to remember (or recount) this beautiful period of our existence. Come on, raise your hands in the …

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Top 15 of the best tweets about the pill, this contraceptive from hell

Being a woman is generally not always a cakewalk, but when you add contraception, it’s immediately hell. Fortunately, there are people to laugh about it on Twitter, it relaxes the atmosphere. 1. HAHAHAHA – Doctor, can I take birth control pills with diarrhea?– I take it with water, but it’s up to you. — Le Conardeur (@Conardeur) August 24, 2015 …

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Top 25 of the most annoying things about board game night

Everyone loves board game evenings with family or friends (except two or three people who don’t like to play because they don’t have a soul), but it can sometimes be boring. Often even. It’s not really the fault of the games, but rather of what is around. People, yes. It’s the people’s fault. Good and also a bit of games …

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Top 10 funny tweets on podcasts, the favorite radio of bobos and start-ups

In life, to relax, you can have sex, watch Koh-Lanta, read a top Topito or now listen to a good podcast. For several years, this new form of audiovisual has been booming, to the delight of the inhabitants of the 11th arrondissement of Paris. Ok, we plead guilty, we also made podcasts. Still, it’s a cool way to cultivate without …

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Top 10 dumbest people of the week, episode 172

Hello my little four-color pens! As Quentin has been away all week in Limoges to try to beat the record for the greatest number of porcelains worn with the head, I’m the one taking care of the teubés this week. And believe me, they haven’t been idle during that time. Come on, let’s get on with it right away, no …

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Top 20 of the best tweets about libraries, SILENCE!

Is there anything that makes you more nostalgic than remembering all those hours spent as a child reading comics sitting on the dirty carpet of the municipal library (which seemed to us to be the most beautiful library in the world at the time) ? I do not believe. In those days, we knew the librarian better than our own …

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