Lifestyle News

Top 15 Stuff Only Idiots Do

I know it’s wrong to put people in boxes, but let’s stop pretending and let’s face it: we are not all born with the same intellectual capacity, after all. Let’s call a spade a spade, there’s still a good swarm of morons around us! Nope ? You can not find ? I don’t want to alert you, but it may …

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Top 20 of the best punchlines of Elodie Poux, this genius

After a remarkable debut in Nantes, Elodie Poux was able to conquer the hearts of the French and to impose herself in the world of French-speaking humor at the speed of light, notably by winning almost all the prizes of the competitions in which she participated (33 price in 23 festivals, OKLM). Now, rare are those who have never seen …

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Top 12 mistakes not to make for your gas mileage

Right now, everyone has only three words left in their mouths: “inflation”, “shortage” and “petrol”. At the same time, it must be said that it’s a hell of a mess in France! Between the energy crises, the ecological crises and the strikes, our wallet is expensive, and the climate is relatively anxiety-provoking. We haven’t yet found the recipe for cheap, …

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Top 15 of the best Panayotis Pascot valves available on web 2.0

Panayotis Pascot is undeniably one of the most gifted and original French comedians in his communication: by going to sell tickets for his own show at FNAC, by transforming himself into a teleshopping product, sold by Marie-Ange Nardi, by going to install the letters of his name on the front of the Olympia himself to avoid spelling mistakes, or even… …

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Top 10 people who were heroes before they were puffs, the wrong turn

There is an English expression which says that certain heroes live long enough to become evil, it is a somewhat sad observation but which has already been verified several times historically. There, like that, it doesn’t necessarily speak to you, because I haven’t given you any examples yet, but that’s the whole principle of the tops, first there’s the introduction …

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Top 15 of the best valves of Djimo, the man who valves faster than his shadow

“There is no point in running, you have to winnow to the point”, here is a sentence that perfectly defines Djimo’s humor. Discovered by the general public in 2018, thanks to the incredible success of his appearance at the Montreux Comedy Festival, he has since become one of the outstanding faces of the French-speaking stand-up scene, with a unique style, …

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Top 18 Gen Z tricks Millennials don’t understand

I’m not throwing Mont Blanc into the Atlantic Ocean by saying there are many differences between millennials and Gen Z. And as is the case with all generations, everyone makes fun of each other with great pleasure, as shown by the tweets of Generation Z who don’t give a damn about the millennials. But beyond the valve, there are still …

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Top 15 of the best valves of Morgane Cadignan, this stand-up genius

After a remarkable stage debut in 2019, notably with the SACD prize at the prestigious Paris Humor Festival, Morgane Cadignan quickly established herself in the French-speaking stand-up world thanks, in particular, to her excellent appearances at the Montreux Comedy. Festival or in Paname, but also in the show Clique by Mouloud Achour or in the Band Originale by Nagui on …

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Top 11 movie twists that don’t hold water

It can happen that when watching an enigmatic film, you start saying quite quickly “you know Bernard, I have a feeling that the twist in this film is not going to make any sense”. Obviously, you have to be accompanied by someone called Bernard to say this sentence, but it’s not particularly the most important part of what I just …

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