Lifestyle News

Top 15 of the best punchlines of Alexis le Rossignol, it’s funny

Alexis le Rossignol has what we call an atypical career. After starting stand-up in Mexico, where he had opened a creperie there, he took the gamble of returning to France to throw himself fully into stand-up. And it was a successful bet since he has since imposed his universe in the middle of French-speaking stand-up. Proof of this are his …

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Top 12 Illegal Stuff Only Professionals Are Allowed To Do

It’s 100% human: the more it’s forbidden, the more it makes us want to. Let’s be honest, who has never dreamed of pressing a fire alarm box in college, ringing the village bell when breaking into the church, or being able to drive without being worried about any fines? Let’s be honest, if all this stuff were legal, we wouldn’t …

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Top 7 objects that made us laugh this week #58

Hola, we hope you had a good week and a good weekend! We worked hard to find once again the best products on the web, the ones that will make you say “olalala look at Martine, this Christmas tyrannosaur is crazy! “. And there, you wonder what it can be and it forces you to read this top. READERS’ FAVORITE …

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Top 11 things we are told are dangerous when not at all, useless freaks

Unlike stuff that doesn’t look dangerous but is, like water or potato chips, some creepy things in our daily lives aren’t nearly as bad as we think. They are in fact victims of our prejudices because we are all a bit of a freak when there is often no reason. Here is something to calm your greatest fears and reassure …

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Top 14 times when we are far too naive, stop being fooled

We all have little moments in life when we can be made to swallow anything, because we grant our trust quickly and we are people who give our neighbor a chance. It’s beautiful, but it’s also very dumb. As it is always a good thing to be self-critical and to better target your faults to correct them, we invite you …

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Top 10 series that go a little too far in the clichés, we no longer believe it

If you like watching Desperate Housewives or Riverdale the absurd series, it’s because you don’t care about clichés in the series. We accept without flinching when the series is shitty because that’s what makes its charm, but some ridiculous shots completely take us out of the story. A little consistency please, we’re not asking for much. 1. The high school …

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Top 15 tips for looking rich when you’re not

They say that money doesn’t buy happiness and it’s true. On the other hand, pretending you have money can make you happy and that’s great news because it’s much easier to pretend you’re rich than to really be. rich. 2. Saying all your clothes are designer clothes It’s not much, but you only need to patch your jeans once or …

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