Lifestyle News

Top 9 people who didn’t understand that we were making fun of them

Ah the second degree! Not always easy to grasp it as shown by people who don’t understand the jokes (and also some people in comments under our tops, I won’t name names, but be aware that they are displayed roughly above the toilets of Topito). This misunderstanding is all the funnier when some people don’t realize that we’re really paying …

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Top 7 people who didn’t understand the concept (and it’s a shame)

It’s fine to want to surf the trends to restore your image, but when you don’t suck the concept, it’s always better to keep quiet. Afterwards, you do as you feel. If you like to show off and lose all credibility, don’t hesitate to do like all these people. The advantage is that it makes us laugh. Laugh yellow and …

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Top 9 Human Powers That Science Can’t Explain

The rational and unimpressive human almost always manages to find a scientifically correct explanation for a fact that might at first seem supernatural. It breaks the magic (and our childhood dreams) a bit when we are told the tricks of certain magician tricks, but that’s life. We explain a lot of things, but not everything. The proof, scientists have not …

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What does your favorite director mean to you?

I’ll give you the rundown, and it’s very simple: each director has his own style, his little fads, his big obsessions. So when you have a favorite director, it says a lot about your personality. Very long. Long as a Peter Jackson trilogy with midgets running around. Come on, find your favorite director in this list and find out who …

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Top 10 directors who went way too far, all for the art

Some directors stop at nothing to finish their film and if some directors go too far to make the actors cry, others completely blow the budget allocated by the production or exceed certain limits that screw them up in the shit. We offer you a small selection of some school cases where things didn’t go very well. 1. John Landis …

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Top 12 Pavlov reflexes in everyday life, we are all conditioned

Hello, and welcome to your graduate course titled “The Pavlov Reflex and its Application in Everyday Life”. Oh no, put away your pens, it’ll be quiet. We start with a little reminder of what the Pavlovian reflex is and then roll my hen. I’ll give it to you in a simple and quick version, so you don’t waste time: at …

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Top 10 salaries of CAC 40 bosses, life is not easy

Are you in trouble and you start cooking your end-of-month dishes so as not to end up on the street? So this top may slightly displease you since I’m going to tell you about people who are the exact opposite of you. The kind to swim in tubs of dough and sleep in gold sheets (not at all comfortable this …

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Top 20 people who manage to fuck the system in style

“Rules are made to be broken” is a proverb that contradicts itself, which makes you want to pick up fragile objects such as plates and throw them against a hard surface such as a wall. However, it is with the greatest serenity in the world that we are going to show you people who have bent the rules with just …

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