Lifestyle News

Top 10 people who don’t learn from their mistakes at all

You have probably already watched a film saga or a series and told yourself that it was always a bit the same story? That the characters just kept doing every stupid thing there was to do, never learning from their mistakes? That’s good, we decided to give you some examples of objectively completely stupid characters who almost deserve what is …

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Top 8 mistakes not to make with rice, a food full of dangers

Already we’ve never been given the chance to make the difference between Thai rice, basmati rice, pilaf, round rice, sushi rice, or Camarague rice, now he’s going to have to do watch out not to do bullshit with this starchy food! It sounds simple said like that, but I swear to you that cooking rice correctly is ultimately not within …

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Top 9 things not to do before sleeping (we warned you)

Not long ago we told you about position errors during sleep but as we like to explore a subject at 360°, today we are looking at the dramatic mistakes we all make before sleeping WHEN IN FACT WE HAVE TO NOT THAT WE MAKE THEM, I lose my subjunctive so much it shocks me your insubordination. 1. Watch TV or …

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Top 12 series actors who lied to get a role, boo the big mythos

Lying is a very bad fault, but we can say that it’s excusable if it’s lying about your identity to get out of it or lying to get a role. Finally, I imagine that if I had auditioned for the role of Annick in Le Flambeau, I would obviously have said that I can play the didgeridoo very well, but …

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Top 10 activities to do with your children to make them feel on vacation

In case you didn’t know, it’s the height of summer. Two months of school holidays for the brats while you continue to sweat at the office. While waiting to be able to hang out by the pool, cocktail in hand, here are some tips to give your children’s weekends a taste of vacation that will inevitably rub off on you …

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Top 8 big star comebacks, it’s well deserved

Karma seems to exist. Personally, I doubt it a bit when I see that the inventor of pain au raisin never ended up in prison, but hey, let’s face it. If karma exists, then it also exists for stars. There’s no reason for him to make exceptions. So here, for your greatest happiness, are some backlashes that the stars have …

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Top 10 parenting phrases that we never quite understood

When you are not a parent yourself, there may be a whole section of their language that escapes you at first sight. And then, when you look closer, you still don’t understand! It’s normal, these are sentences whose meaning only reaches us when we enter this strange, not at all select club that is parenthood. But don’t panic, we’ll explain …

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