Lifestyle News

Top 10 signs that you are a true Ping Pong fan

1. You have your own racquets (and they’re not even from 1997) You always carry them with you in case someone on the street offers you an unexpected ping pong (which never happens, let’s be honest). At least you have your own gear like the professionals, and that’s nice. 2. Sometimes you go play in parks with people you don’t …

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Top 10 people you are jealous of because of your kids

Let’s be clear, we’re not going to list all the people we’re jealous of because they don’t have children. No, that would be really too sadomasochistic on our part. On the other hand, we already make ourselves sufficiently poor to raise them, these critters, so that they have at least the courtesy of erecting us, only us and no one …

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Top 10 mistakes we all make when we sleep, positions to NEVER take

We spend a lot of time sleeping in a lifetime, so we might as well make every effort to do so in good conditions. We told you one day about the different positions to sleep in illustrations (a masterpiece made on the Paint software), today we are going to talk a little more seriously about the TERRIBLE mistakes we make …

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Top 15 people who call the police for anything and everything

It seems that the police have a sense of humour, but dialing 17 is still serious business. We don’t call because we’re bored, we don’t know how to cook pasta or we’ve lost our underwear. We call if there is a real problem. Apparently some people forgot about it… 1. After waiting 30 minutes for his pizza, he calls the …

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Top 10 things we all drew when we were kids

1. A sun with sunglasses Whereas the sun, he doesn’t actually need “his” glasses. It does not make sense. It’s even completely off the mark. 2. … By the way, the sun was always placed in the left corner of the sheet With unequal rays, sometimes presenting an alternation of colors, for an aesthetic question. Why put the star in …

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Top 10 Actors Who Got A Little Too Much For A Role

It’s good to be motivated for your professional mission. If I were a manager of the start-up nation, I would even say “the motivation is the key”. However, some actors took this mantra at face value and got a little too excited about their roles. We talk about it below, making fun of them, these big buffoons of the most …

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9 things to know about the murders of Ciudad Juárez women

In just over thirty years the city of Ciudad Juárez has been the morbid scene of countless atrocious and unstoppable feminicides until it has been unofficially called “the city where young women die” or “the world capital of murder”. The local justice of this Mexican city is completely at a standstill when it comes to trying anything to stop the …

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Top 11 things to know about IQ, a thing as much fantasized as criticized

Hello big dorks. No I’m kidding you are probably smarter than me. Yesterday I did an IQ test and I got a negative score, which means that I have the same cognitive abilities as Matthieu Delormeau’s briefs. However, I take this opportunity to talk to you about the intellectual quotient and you risk being surprised to the point of falling …

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Top 10 of the funniest illustrations of Fruit gone bad, fruits in salacious mode

Hello my little nut shells, today we take you (by the hand) into the salacious and nevertheless fruity universe of the account” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>fruitgone bath, you will find fruits and vegetables full of perversity because we know less often their dark side. Go do me the pleasure of following this account rapido. 1. The tough pizza jungle – Hey …

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