Lifestyle News

Top 8 Evidence Shein Is The Worst Invention In Human History

Hi my extreme fashionistoss. Do you like beautiful rags? Frippes not disgusting? Are you totally addicted to Vinted and impulse purchases? It is high time that we put a hola to your dramatically irresponsible behavior. Shein, in short, is a leading Chinese brand and shopping app on the fast-fashion market and whose particularly frantic production rate is well known. Known …

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Top 7 objects that made us laugh this week #59

For those who want to have fun this weekend, then welcome. We don’t guarantee you “HAHAHAHA” or “mdr wtf this sick top!!!! “, but a hint of a smile, a simple blow of the nose a priori that should do it. Attention, the 4th object should surprise you !!!!!!! READERS’ FAVORITE Or with your boyfriend/girlfriend, for cocooning evenings since you …

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Top 9 green inventions that are objectively a bit crap

I have a scoop: the planet is in bad shape. It’s crap. All lights are red. It’s time to do something or we’ll all go crazy! There you go, now that it’s said, it’s up to you to act and accept a more environmentally friendly way of life, or to continue your good little selfish fat life who doesn’t give …

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Top 8 series that suck in geography, how come Europe is not a country?

Are you a geography nerd? It’s good, we’re happy for you. Now, if you could use your talent to go help the writers of shows and movies that suck in geography, we’d be just as happy. Because there, we can no longer burn our retinas with spatio-temporal errors that even a sixth-grade student would not make. It’s worth having a …

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10 horrible things Marilyn Monroe had to go through to be a star

Raised to the rank of Hollywood icon as a young woman, Norma Jean Baker quickly became Marilyn Monroe at the cost of many sacrifices. If several documentaries and films have told her story at length, today we will dwell on the rather horrible and disgusting things the actress went through to reach fame before disappearing. Yeah, it’s not super gay, …

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Top 10 worst football club wrecks, it’s ugly

Just like Bordeaux this season, other clubs, sometimes even the best, have gone down to the second division (or even lower). It’s sad, but it’s the hard law of the strongest. Let’s check through this top to what extent professional clubs have been able to sink and hit rock bottom. 1. The descent into hell of Bordeaux After being relegated …

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Top 15 people who shouldn’t be bosses

Sometimes you seriously wonder how people got to where they are. When my father drives, for example, I wonder where he got his driver’s license. In the business world, it’s the same. It happens that some people have managed to climb the ladder to the position of boss, while they do not seem to have the fiber… Yes, I am …

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