Lifestyle News

Top 12 movies that have the most remakes, it’s starting to do a lot

Do you think that Hollywood is lacking in originality and makes bad remakes of foreign films or remakes of its own films far too often? You’re right, it is, but it’s not their fault they prefer to remake a film that has already worked well rather than trying new things and breaking their necks. We will therefore look together at …

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Top 15 clubs that have never been relegated

There are some and others, some struggle to stay in Ligue 1, or even in Ligue 2 (hello Bordeaux), when others have only known the elite in their history. Yes, some do not know the defeat, and here is who they are, we present to you the bosses of the game. 1. Real Madrid (but we could have guessed it) …

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Top 19 of the best tweets about the Crous, the devil’s organization

There is not a single student who has had a relationship with the Crous who can speak highly of this organization to you; looks like they’re doing it on purpose. Between the scandalous food of the university restaurant, the rooms smaller than the cupboard of the naughty sorcerer and the endless and depressing steps to have 12 balls of purse, …

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Top 10 most absurd series deaths, thank you screenwriters

Series writers are assassins who regularly get rid of characters to advance the script, create new story arcs or simply to shock. It’s commonplace, what. And usually, these deaths make sense. Do you see me coming? (at the same time, you read the title of this top). Yes, there are character deaths that make no sense, and are even downright …

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Top 9 reasons to stop imitating the series, real life is good too

Watching series is often very positive like the square root of 25: it relaxes the brain, it makes the imagination work, it creates impossible love stories with characters and sometimes there are even series that boost product sales. Frankly, if it’s not beautiful. Unfortunately, there are also times when people take what they see on the show a little too …

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