Lifestyle News

Top 12 people who throw a party and fail miserably

It takes a lot of courage to organize a party because we know that there are guests who completely abuse it. You have to tidy up before, after and even during the evening if you are a big jerk. Once in a while, it’s the organizer of the evening who screws up everything and is boring or airheaded and it …

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Top 10 Honest Server Life Infographics

We all know someone who is or was a waiter. If we don’t know it, it’s because it’s us! No matter how much we complain (because we’re French and we love it), it’s still a very nice job, which brings a lot of cool stuff, such as stress management, repartee or human contact. On the other hand, it is far …

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Top 12 harmless ways to piss someone off, and it’s fun

You want to annoy someone but you don’t want it to go too far or to backfire on the particular person by degenerating? So stop immediately cutting the brakes of his bike and read these few valuable tips that we found on a Reddit forum and to which we added our own homemade advice. Because I’m very good at pissing …

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Top 7 worst cases of hypnosis scams, those that hurt the wallet

No wonder we ask so many questions about hypnosis as this practice fascinates. And for good reason, some clever little ones have managed to use their ability to put minds to sleep to extract a lot of dough from them. We admire them but they are still big fdp. Here is a small overview of bewitchment scams. 1. The blow …

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Top 20 of the biggest DIY failures, it does not matter

Knowing how to do small jobs at home saves money and increases your charisma by 90%. But when you’re not a handyman, it’s sometimes better to refrain from hammering nails, applying plaster or repainting your room: things can go wrong. The proof with these big do-it-yourself failures that made me personally give up my lunch (the one from a week …

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Top 11 things traders are not allowed to do during sales

YOUPIIIIIIIIII IT’S SALE! The crowds on Saturday afternoon are ours, the endless queues in the cabin and at the checkout, foundation stains on the latest model of little white dress in our size and overconsumption. When it’s the sales, we’re sure of one thing: we’re going to blow our wallets to buy ugly things that aren’t our size just because …

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