Lifestyle News

Top 16 phrases to deter a mosquito from biting you

If, despite all your mosquito protection, one of these pieces of garbage manages to find its way into your room, you only have two options left: bust its mouth out properly, or open a dialogue with him. The idea is to argue to convince him to give up his desire to revel in your blood. With these few sentences, you …

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Top 25+ Gift Ideas for Cotton Weddings

Here it is, your one year of marriage, your cotton wedding anniversary and of course, you are looking for a gift. In order to celebrate it with dignity, we looked for wedding anniversary gifts to please him. So be careful, it’s only cotton weddings, we’re not going to invest in something too expensive either, huh. You’ve only been married for …

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Top 7 countries that have lost in the game of cutting borders

Life is unfair, no need to bring more evidence to this statement than by reminding yourself that your crush is dating someone other than you. In terms of geography it’s exactly the same (not the best sequence to get to the subject of the top, I grant you that), there were completely arbitrary border lines, look at the map and …

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Top 8 Dramatic Effects Of Indian Summer 2022 (Even Worse Than Heatwave)

I don’t know if you noticed but it’s hot when it’s completely late October or even early November and normally we should start to seriously peel the rush. If we can romantically speak of an Indian summer, it is above all a concrete proof that global warming is already taking effect with dramatic consequences. Indeed, we have never experienced such …

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Top 10 opposites of words that no one knows, antonyms of shadow

Goodbye animals! Yesterday we told you nothing about the German language and how certain words are dispossessed of synonyms pricked with cockchafers *. * In fact, I tried to write you a sentence with only opposites for each word, but I realized along the way that it was incomprehensible. I’m stopping this crappy project there. We take back. We discovered …

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Top 10 reasons to watch the Women’s Euro

And zépartiiii for the Women’s Euro! It starts today and we strongly advise you to watch it because it promises to be a great championship. And if you’re on the “yeah, women’s football sucks” team, well, I can’t do anything more for you, except tell you that you’re a dark fool and that you can move on. Now that I’ve …

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