Lifestyle News

Top 8 benefits of twerking, a dance with multiple resources

I know it, we are going on a slippery slope, because the twerk divides. Some consider it just a vulgar “ghetto” dance that you only see in rappers’ music videos, and in my opinion, they are very wrong. The twerk has origins in certain traditional African dances which have been taken up and transformed by the diaspora in North America …

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Top 10 unlikely places where money was found, go search the cat litter

Money is what makes the world go round. Unless it has to do with gravitation or God or something like that. Anyway money is important since we spend most of our life working to have it only in order to be able to spend it, it sounds stupid but that’s how it is . To protect themselves, some people decide …

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Top 8 movies that changed the law (it’s strong anyway)

Films about justice and trials, there’s a lot of them! Moreover, some are so well done that one would almost consider studying law (before remembering the face of the civil code, of course). On the other hand, what is rarer are the short and feature films that have squarely changed justice in real life. Fictions that denounce, or just atrocious …

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Top 12 movie scenes where special effects were used for nothing

If we’ve ever told you about the worst special effects of the decade, we kind of forgot to mention the times when we clearly used special effects for nothing, and it happened several times. We are not going to dwell any longer on this introduction because in any case you are only two to read it, including my mother. Hi …

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Top 20 signs that you are uneducated, it hurts huh?

Do you think you’re smart? Do you think you know a lot of stuff, have a good opinion on everything and know a little more stuff than average? Ok, it’s a bit presumptuous, so we’ll see that: if you tick at least 5 of the points of this top, it means no, you are not cultured, but you are uneducated. …

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Top 10 things we’re committed to for life, once you’re signed it’s over

Sometimes we agree to things without worrying too much about the fallout, like when we’re asked to help out with a move that “will go fast, don’t worry” when we have to cross twelve countries with a truck puking useless furniture while being chased by the Mexican mafia (that’s specific I know). When you agree to subscribe to certain things …

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Top 10 Scariest Clips In Music History, Mini Horror Movies

Some musical artists outdo themselves a little when it comes to putting their songs into images, this has given for example great animation clips or downright interesting short films but today we are going to talk about a very specific example : the most creepy or disturbing music videos in history. We obviously risk forgetting some of them, do not …

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