Lifestyle News

Top 20 Funniest Tweets About Stranger Things Season 4 Ending

BEWARE OF SPOILERS If you have not yet watched the end of season 4 of Stranger Things, we advise you to leave this top immediately. You can stay at your own risk, but don’t come back and say we didn’t warn you. This season 4 was very very nice and deserved a little debriefing moment with lots of funny tweets. …

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Top 15 Best Sunburn Tweets Tis the Season

There are people who pretend to prefer winter to summer and every year they are told that it is ridiculous. So of course, summer is not perfect since we have to endure critters that sting, sweat that sticks and sunburn that burns. We make concessions because it’s still better than those terrible times when it’s dark from 10 a.m. to …

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Top 17 funny tweets about bills, it hurts the heart and the wallet

The good thing about being in your twenties is that you discover active life and adult life. The bad thing about being in your twenties is discovering all the vices of that age. Yes, because we can say that at 20, we have the world in front of us, at 20, we also have the beginning of the bills to …

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Top 8 of the best tweets about holiday notebooks, the passport of suffering

Hello my little apples, if like us you suffered martyrdom during your childhood by filling out super boring holiday notebooks to buy the love of your parents and especially if you are in turn subjecting your children to the same thing, this top may enlighten you greatly. 1. The loneliness of our childhood when you were a child your favorite …

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Top 12 Moments We Agree With Boomers

Well, it must be said, boomers are big dorks most of the time: they refuse everything that is new with blows of ” it was better before “of “it’s not what it used to be” and of ” today’s youth… “ In short, they play the reactions that do not support novelty. Maiiis it must be admitted that, sometimes, these …

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Top 10 foods that are different depending on the country

Unlike the culinary specialties of the world completely unknown to foreigners, there are products that we all know, everywhere on earth. However, from one country to another, they are not always identical! It’s a bit like the story of the toilet water going the other way in Australia: it’s almost like ours, but it’s not the same. Same same, different …

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Top 10 strange and unusual video game secrets, you have to dig deep

Hey fellow gamers, do you like video games, secrets and weird stuff like cucumber soup? Then you’ve come to the right place since we’re going to talk about the strangest secrets of video games, these sometimes disturbing or really very original easter eggs well hidden in certain dark and pixelated corners of our favorite worlds. Without wasting any more time, …

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Top 10 techniques to have a sexy voice, and get caught in one sentence

Summer is coming and with it hot eventful evenings where you will have to know how to distinguish yourself from the others in order to conquer your crush. On this everyone plays the cards they have received: humor, summer body, dream hair, shapely calves, brand t-shirts that exploit children… All shots are allowed to stand out, but very often we …

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