Lifestyle News

Top 15 Things To Remember From Lego Masters Season 3 Episode 3

1. It’s going on a Halloween episode Ok, Eric Antoine sets the tone for the first event with a demonic outfit, and that puts us in the right mood. The candidates will have to build a horrific city with districts corresponding to the universe of their character. It’s cool, it’s changing, and we can’t wait to see the result. Style …

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Top 10 Obvious Benefits of Free Gun Carrying in the USA

It’s early July 2022, that’s exactly halfway through the year and there’s been more killings in the US in six months than I’ve received from threats after my top against Breaking Bad (and there are had a lot). But let’s forget the fact that there have been an average of 119 gun deaths per day since the beginning of the …

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Top 10 Different Types of Glasses and What They Mean About Us

1. Glasses with a cord to hold them If you’re over 6 and under 70, someone needs to tell you: That cord to hold your glasses on makes you look stupid. We’re not on a boat or climbing a mountain and until proven otherwise, your glasses are not in danger of flying off. So, please, stop walking around with your …

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Top 15 things that 1 out of 4 French people do, and that’s a lot

We have already given you a niche top on what 4% of French people do, so today we are going to focus on a larger part of the population, just to be a little more representative. Open your eyes wide since you will now discover what one in four French people do. One in four French people can be your …

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Top 12 Biggest Life Traps People Fall Into

Life is a long game strewn with lots of big traps. Some are easy to avoid, like when a friend offers to invest 30,000 bucks in his project to sell self-washing briefs, but others are slightly more subtle and can turn your life into an ordeal. Don’t hurt yourself, don’t do like everyone else, and avoid them skillfully. 1. Staying …

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Top 10 pranks by really stupid people, the bad joke

We all like good jokes and having a laugh, personally, it’s my passion with combine harvesters. But some people go a little too far in the joke, because it already starts from a very bad idea and the prank goes wrong. And as I know you and you absolutely need examples to feel complete, I am offering you a small …

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Top 15 food mixes that should be banned, stop with your shitty tastes

When you cook and you eat, it’s like driving, you shouldn’t do anything (like driving in the wrong direction or making Y turns on the highway, you’ll know). Because then you end up with people who deserve death when they eat and that creates imbalances in society. So if you don’t want to be run over with a canteen cart …

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