Categories: Finance

Do I pay capital gains taxes on a house that my company sells back to myself?

Do I have to pay capital gains taxes on a house that my business sells to me?

The answer to this question really depends on the type of legal entity your business is operated by and how it is organized (for example, as a corporation, partnership, or LLC). Below, we look at how the type of business you have can impact a private real estate transaction between you and her.

Key points to remember

  • If you own a business that sells a house to you as the owner of that business, you may be subject to different taxation depending on how the business is organized.
  • Each legal entity has unique tax advantages and disadvantages, depending on the nature of the business.
  • You could be liable for capital gains tax and lose some exemptions on a sale that you might get if you personally owned the home.

Company C

If you have a C corporation there would be no long term capital gains tax on the sale, but there would be regular corporate income tax if a profit is made on the house . The reason: C corporations do not benefit from any preferential tax rate on capital gains. Generally, all income recognized by a business operating through a traditional C corporation is taxed at the corporate income tax rate – a flat rate of 21%, effective 2022. Any sale of Assets by a corporation to a shareholder would be taxed if there was a capital gain on the sale, including a home.

In addition, the sale price must represent what is called an arm’s length price, that is, it represents what an independent third party would pay for the house. No need to charge you $100 for a 25,000 square foot residence with a pool and a three-car garage, in other words. If the sale price of the home has been determined to be at arm’s length by the IRS, then there are a host of distribution-related issues that could apply.

S corporation

The sale of a house by an S corporation to one of its shareholders would be considered a long-term capital gain (if the corporation owned the house for more than a year). An S corporation generally pays no income tax; all elements of income and loss are passed on to individual shareholders. Thus, this gain would be transmitted to the respective shareholder and who must declare it in his personal income tax return. There are other issues, such as recovering depreciation if the house was used for commercial purposes.

Single Member LLC and Sole Proprietorship

Sole proprietorships and sole proprietorships are taxed the same at the federal level. If the house was used for business purposes and owned by an LLC (i.e. the title was in the name of the LLC), the gain on the sale should be reported by the owner of the LLC in their account personal. income tax return. If the house had been owned by the LLC for more than a year, the owner would treat the gain as a long-term capital gain.

With respect to a sole proprietorship, the house can only be titled in the name of the person who operated the sole proprietorship. Since the title does not change, there is no sale or issuance of capital gains until the individual sells the home to an independent third party. Depreciation recapture rules would apply if the home was used by the business, whether it was an LLC or a sole proprietorship.

LLC with multiple owners, taxed as a partnership and a general partnership

The rules that apply to a corporation would be identical in this scenario, meaning that any long-term capital gains would be taxed only within the LLC.

Partnerships are similar to S corporations in that the individual items of income and loss are not taxed within the partnership, but are passed through to the individual partners and taxed on their individual tax returns. Thus, any sale of a house by the partnership would be taxable to the individual partners, not the partnership.If the partnership had owned the home for more than a year, then the gain would be eligible for the long-term capital gains tax rate, which is currently 15%.

Can a business own a house?

Yes. In the United States, corporations are legal entities that can enjoy property rights, such as owning a house or land. For example, many landlords form LLCs to own rental properties to limit their liability.

What is the downside of transferring a house from a company to a shareholder of that company?

The real problem with a business-owned home is the loss of home sale exclusion. This provision allows owners who sell their primary residence to exclude a large portion of the gain from tax ($250,000 if single; $500,000 if married and filing jointly). When the home is owned by a company, this home sale exclusion is lost, as in any tax transaction, it goes without saying that individuals should seek the advice of a CPA or tax attorney.

When can a house be declared a business?

If you carry on business from home, you may qualify for certain tax deductions including home office, start-up and expenses under Section 179. A property will only be considered a business if it is the location mainstay of regular and continuous activities aimed at generating a profit.

Anju Sharma: Anju Sharma is a distinguished content writer at, known for her expertise in crafting engaging, informative, and SEO-optimized articles. With a strong command over diverse topics, Anju has established herself as one of the best-known content creators in the digital space. Her work seamlessly blends in-depth research with a reader-friendly approach, making complex subjects easily accessible and enjoyable for her audience. Anju’s passion for writing and her commitment to delivering high-quality content consistently set her apart in the competitive world of online content creation.