How Does My Spousal Social Security Benefit Work?

If you have never worked or paid Social Security taxes (or haven’t paid them long enough), you won’t be able to claim Social Security retirement benefits on your own. However, you may be able to receive spousal benefits through your spouse’s account. You can file a claim under their account from age 62, provided your…

How to Create a Client Investment Policy Statement

What is an Investment Policy Statement (IPS)? A Investment Policy Statement (IPS) is basically a business plan for an investment portfolio. It is very common for financial advisors to create an IPS for their institutional clients such as retirement plan sponsorsfoundations and endowments. Many financial advisors will also write one for their individual clients. Having…

3 Dodge & Cox Funds Rated 4 Stars or Higher by Morningstar

Dodge & Cox is an outstanding wealth management firm in the mutual fund industry, with a long track record of success. The company’s management team tends toward a collaborative approach with a wide idea generation process. Dodge & Cox managers are also invested in their funds and, therefore, have a strong incentive to maximize shareholders’…

Common Misconceptions About ETFs

For decades, mutual funds have offered professionals Portfolio Management, diversification, and convenience for investors who lack the time or means to trade their portfolios profitably. In recent years, a new class of mutual fund has emerged that offers many of the same benefits as traditional open-ended funds with a much greater liquidity. These funds, called…

ETF Concerns That Investors Shouldn’t Overlook

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) can be a great investment vehicle for small and large investors alike. These popular funds, which are similar to mutual funds but trade like stocks, have become a popular choice among investors looking to broaden the diversity of their portfolios without increasing the time and effort that they have to spend managing…