Categories: Pet Care

Everything To Expect In The First 24 Hours With Your New Dog

So, you’ve finally decided to take the plunge and add a furry friend to your family. Congrats! Whether you’ve adopted from a shelter or purchased from a breeder, there’s a lot to think about in those first 24 hours. Below is a comprehensive guide of everything you can expect during your dog’s first day home.

Getting a new dog can be an exciting time for many families. After all, you get to welcome a new four-legged member of the family who should bring years of joy and laughter to the home. If you’re worried about bringing them home, it could be time to learn everything to expect in the first 24 hours with your new dog.

During the first day, it’s likely that your dog will be feeling scared and confused in their new environment. They may not want to eat or drink very much, and they may spend most of their time hiding away. It’s important not to force them to do anything they’re uncomfortable with, such as meeting new people or other animals. Just let them take things at their own pace and slowly start to explore their new home.

With some patience and love, your new dog will soon start to feel right at home. Before long, they’ll be eating, drinking, playing and snuggling just like any other member of the family!

From car ride home to crate training and establishing a sleep schedule, here’s everything you need to know about the first day with your new dog.

The Car Ride Home

This is likely the most excited your new pup will be the entire day, so soak up all the puppy kisses while they last! Once you’re home, it’s time to introduce your pup to their new digs. Start by showing them around the house/apartment and yard so they can get a lay of the land. If they seem overwhelmed, take things slow and let them sniff and explore at their own pace.

Remember, this is all very new to them! After the tour, it’s time for some quality one-on-one time with their new human. This is also an important bonding opportunity for you both, so take advantage of it! Let your pup crawl all over you, give them lots of pets and scratches, and play some games so they can start to learn your cues and commands.

Let your new dog settle in

It’s important to let your new dog settle in the first 24 hours. After all, this is a big change for them as well as you. Make sure you have everything you need already, such as the kibble they’ve been eating, toys, a leash, dog bags, and plenty of treats. This should mean they can come straight home without any emergency runs to the store. Another thing to consider is to make things as relaxing as possible and to keep things nice and quiet. By doing this, you’ll make sure that their experience is positive and that they’re comfortable in their new home.

Source: Dog Life 360

Start potty training with your puppy

Starting potty training with your puppy is important for a number of reasons. First, it helps them to learn where they should be going to the bathroom. This is important not only for house training, but also for later when they have to go outside. Second, it helps you to get on top of things as soon as possible.

The sooner you start potty training, the less accidents you’ll have to deal with down the road. Finally, it shows them that you’re the one in charge. By being consistent and showing them what you expect from them, you’re establishing yourself as the leader of the pack. So, if you’re thinking about getting a puppy, be sure to start potty training as soon as possible. It’ll make things much easier for both of you in the long run.

Crate Training & Potty Training

Crate training is one of the most important things you can do for your new pup—it will be their secure space when you leave the house or during storms/fireworks (if they’re scared of loud noises). But first things first: your pup needs to be properly introduced to their crate before expecting them to love it.

Start by placing their food bowl inside and letting them eat their meals in there with the door open. After a few days of this, try closing the door while they eat and opening it back up as soon as they’re done. If all goes well, gradually increase the amount of time the door is closed until they’re comfortable being crated for up to four hours at a time.

As far as potty training goes, each pup is different but there are some general tips that will help make things go smoothly. First off, designate an area of your yard as their “potty spot.” When you take them outside, always bring them to this same spot and use verbal cues like “go potty” or “hurry up” so they start associating those words with going to the bathroom.

Regardless of whether or not they actually go, always praise them whenever they eliminate in their designated spot. And finally, be patient—it takes most pups several months to get fully potty trained so accidents are bound to happen occasionally (especially if you’ve just brought home an 8-week-old puppy).

Establishing A Sleep Schedule

One of the best things you can do for your new pup (and yourself) is to establish a regular sleep schedule from day one. Pups need a lot of sleep—upwards of 18 hours a day!—so it’s important that they have ample opportunities to snooze. Set up their crate in a quiet corner of the house where they can retreat when they need some peace and quiet.

You may also want to consider getting a white noise machine or leaving the TV on low during nighttime hours so they’re not disturbed by any outside noises. Throughout the night, be sure to take them out regularly so they can relieve themselves. For young puppies especially, it’s important that they have access to water at all times so they don’t get dehydrated overnight.

Set some simple boundaries with your new dog

As any new dog owner knows, potty training is just one of the many things to expect in those first 24 hours. Another important thing to keep in mind is setting simple boundaries. This doesn’t mean you need to scold your dog as soon as they walk through the door and do something you don’t like.

Instead, it means keeping an eye on your new dog and interrupting any behavior you don’t want to see, such as chewing something they shouldn’t. It could also mean gently pushing them down if they jump up at things or finding something to distract them from their unwanted behavior. Setting simple boundaries is a crucial part of being a responsible dog owner and will help your new dog adjust to their new home more quickly.

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Source: Alaska Sleep Clinic

Allow your new dog to have safe zones

The first 24 hours with your new dog will likely be an exciting one – and one that can be stressful for your four-legged friend. Thankfully, one of the simplest ways to avoid any unwanted stress is to give your pet safe zones. This means somewhere quiet that they can go away from the rest of the family. You can place blankets from their former home, so there’s a familiar scent in that area and plenty of toys, so they feel comfortable. Also, allow them to enter their safe zone uninterrupted so they can take themselves away if needed.

Learning everything to expect in the first 24 hours with your new dog should make things a lot less stressful. Hopefully, it won’t be long before you wonder what you ever did without them in your life, and they feel like they’ve always been part of the family. After all, that’s what owning a pet is all about!

Final Note

When you bring your new puppy home, there are a few things you can do to set them up for success. First, Puppy proof your house. Look for anything small enough to swallow, anything that could be toxic if eaten, and any cords or strings that could become tangled.

Once you’ve done that, it’s time to introduce your puppy to their new home. Show them around, including where their sleeping area will be and where they can find their food and water. It’s also important to establish some rules and boundaries right from the start.

By being clear about what is and is not allowed, you’ll help your puppy learn what is expected of them. Finally, make sure you spend some time bonding with your new pup. Take them for walks, play with them, and just spend some time cuddling. By following these tips, you’ll help your new puppy settle in and start off on the right paw!

Thiruvenkatam: Thiruvenkatam is a distinguished digital entrepreneur and online publishing expert with over a decade of experience in creating and managing successful websites. He holds a Bachelor's degree in English, Business Administration, Journalism from Annamalai University and is a certified member of Digital Publishers Association. The founder and owner of multiple reputable platforms - leverages his extensive expertise to deliver authoritative and trustworthy content across diverse industries such as technology, health, home décor, and veterinary news. His commitment to the principles of Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T) ensures that each website provides accurate, reliable, and high-quality information tailored to a global audience.