Functions of dimethiconol in skin care

Day by day people getting more informed about contain of products they use for their care routine. Knowing about how and why particular ingredient works can help us make better decisions and choose a healthier composition. Some ingredients, like dimethiconol, may sound unfamiliar, but actually can be found in the vast majority of personal care products.

This ingredient functions as a skin or hair softener and gives that silky-smooth feeling and glossy shine we adore. Nevertheless, there are a lot of disputes about using “wp-image-157460 size-full” title=”Functions of dimethiconol in skin care” src=”” alt=”Functions of dimethiconol in skin care” width=”1000″ height=”667″ /> Functions of dimethiconol in skin care[/caption]

Benefits of using dimethiconol products

Even though it is a synthetic ingredient, dimethiconol helps to improve the condition of the skin and hair significantly. The water-resistant film that it forms on the surface allows it to:

  • Pass oxygen, nitrogen, and other nutrients to the upper layers of the epidermis.
  • Keep skin moisture from evaporating, and prevent drying and dehydrating.
  • Create a lightweight barrier against environmental irritants.

In addition, dimethiconol smooths skin texture, fills fine wrinkles, has a mattifying effect, and helps make-up stay on the skin longer. It is an excellent ingredient for hair products, thanks to the conditioning effect, and ability to help with the split-ends problem.

Can dimethiconol be harmful to the skin?

Luckily, silicones are safe ingredients – their molecules are too large to penetrate the skin. That’s why dimethiconol can’t pass through cell membranes and enter the bloodstream. It makes this ingredient safe for topical use: it cannot react with cells of the immune system and cause an allergic reaction. Because silicones are biologically inert when in contact with the skin, they are often used as a substitute for latex, a common allergen.


  • Thiruvenkatam

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