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Funniest and Hilarious Animal Fails – Try Not To Laugh

From time to time, we all need a good laugh. And what better way to get a chuckle than by watching some hilarious animal fails? Whether it’s a cat toppling off a bookshelf or a bird taking a tumble off a power line, there’s something about seeing an animal make a mistake that just makes us smile. So next time you’re feeling down, why not take a few minutes to watch some of the funniest animal fails on the internet? You’re sure to get a good laugh out of it. Who knows, you might even feel inspired to make your own video!

From time to time, we all need a good laugh. And what better way to get a chuckle than by watching some hilarious animal fails? Whether it’s a cat toppling off a bookshelf or a bird taking a tumble off a power line, there’s something about seeing an animal make a mistake that just makes us smile. So next time you’re feeling down, why not take a few minutes to watch some of the funniest animal fails on the internet? You’re sure to get a good laugh out of it. Who knows, you might even feel inspired to make your own video!

Hilarious Animal Fails

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Pets are part of the family and we love them for it. They make us laugh, they comfort us when we’re feeling down, and they’re always there for a cuddle. However, our pets also have a social side to them and they love playing around. There in the field, they play tag, hide-and-seek and play with all manner of toys. Their toys, however, are all made from natural substances. When you change the setting to an urban one, however, the games don’t change — but the toys do.

Our loving pets get up to all kinds of mischief as they navigate our yards in search of a toy to play with. Sometimes, all they want to do is chew, and that is exactly what they are going to do. It doesn’t matter if it is a shoe or one of baby brother’s toys. Their need to exercise those jaw muscles outranks any other trick that we might have taught them. So, next time Fido comes trotting up to you with your favourite pair of shoes in his mouth, remember that he’s just trying to tell you he loves you in his own special way.

I wonder where these ducks’ legs have gone?

If ducks could talk and laugh, I think that they would have burst out laughing when Killer over there took the plunge. On the other hand, I don’t think that Killer shared their sentiment. Who would have thought that grass is so soft that you could actually fall through it?

Poor little Killer didn’t know what hit him as the ground gave way and swallowed him up. No wonder those ducks didn’t even flinch when they saw him charging in. I wonder where their legs have gone?

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On your marks, get set, go! Let the hunt begin. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long day.

I can do this

This poor cat is yet another victim of the formidable slippery surface. No amount of planning or previous training can prepare it for what is about to happen. It’s an easy jump, he says to himself. You can do this. One, two, three and down we go.

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He missed it by that much. Not exactly the spot that he was aiming for, but lo and behold, he pulls off an amazing save and lands on his feet. Phew, that was a close one! His heart is racing as he takes a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He knows that he needs to be more careful next time; one false move and he could have ended up in a heap on the floor. Lesson learned: never underestimate the power of a slippery surface!

I said, ‘Back off’

Animals have a variety of ways of communicating with each other, and one of the most common is through scent. By sniffing each other’s butts, animals can quickly determine whether another individual is friend or foe. In the case of this skunk and fox, it’s clear that the skunk wasn’t too pleased with the fox’s sniffing. Rather than tolerate it, the skunk decided to let the fox know exactly how it felt by giving it a good spray. While some might see this as an overreaction, it’s actually just a skunk’s way of saying “back off!” In this case, the message was received loud and clear.

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You can’t catch me

As Fido was chasing Spot, he knew he was close to catching his old nemesis. He drew nearer and nearer and was just about to make his move when Spot made a right turn and ran toward the towering hedge. Spot didn’t know if his trick would work, but it was worth a try.

He cleared the hedge with ease and waited for Fido to glide over and catch him. Fido was overeager and thought he could make the jump — guess he was wrong. As Fido lay in a heap at the base of the hedge, Spot couldn’t help but chuckle. It looked like he had outsmarted Fido once again.

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Like we practiced

Timmy and his partner were practicioners of the art of tumbling. As they stepped up onto the table, they knew that their next move would take them right to the edge. But they trusted each other, and they trust their practice. So when they stepped down with their right paw and drop-and-rolled off the edge, they knew that everything would be alright. And it was!

These two pups put on a show that would have made any choreographer proud. But the real question is, how did their owner manage to capture it all on video? Was it really just a stroke of luck, or had they planned for this all along? Either way, it’s an amazing feat that Timmy and his partner were able to pull off. Thanks for the great entertainment!

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I will never surrender!!!

Regardless of what is happening, the cat is a fighter and it doesn’t look like it is going to give up the fight anytime soon. The determination in its eyes is admirable and it serves as a reminder that we should never give up, no matter how difficult things might seem. Surrender is not an option for this cat and, by extension, it shouldn’t be an option for us either.

We need to continue fighting even when the odds seem insurmountable. This tenacity is what separates winners from losers and it’s what allows us to achieve our goals, regardless of how difficult they might be. So the next time you feel like giving up, remember this cat and find the strength to keep going. You’ll be glad you did.

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The perfect trap

This poor little fella did not know what it was getting itself into when it decided to take on the formidable toilet bowl. I guess trying to crawl through it looked pretty doable. What could possibly go wrong?

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There is a life lesson in this for your kids. Never try to squeeze through a gap that looks tight. If you can’t use your arms, you are screwed.

Feed your face

Manatees are such majestic animals, but when you give them half a chance to pig out, they do so with style. This guy couldn’t wait to munch down on that lettuce. He got a bit carried away in the end and misjudged the speed at which he was approaching his meal.

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Maybe he was just trying on a new face mask to see if it would block out all the sun when he wants to take his afternoon nap.

Beware of the banana peel

It really is true what they say: We fear that which we do not know. I guess it works the same way in the animal kingdom. There it was, an innocent banana peel, and in walked Mr. Whiskers. He saw the strange object and approached it with utter caution.

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He decided, and then it happened: It moved. Oh, what a frightening experience it was for Mr. Whiskers. He leaped right off the table out of fear.

But it looks so real

If you were the owner of this dog, you might have thought that he was super-cute or you could have been slightly embarrassed. I mean, if your dog thinks a poster is real food, then he has some serious hunger issues.

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On the other hand, the printing company that designed the poster needs full marks. Did they lace the poster with dog food or have they tapped into the psyche of dogs and figured out what would lure them to their food?

You are not worthy

Now, there is a croc that doesn’t think the shoe is worthy of being called a croc. There is absolutely no resemblance. It doesn’t have sharp teeth or spikes anywhere. It is as soft as a cushion and doesn’t look mean at all. The only thing they share is that they are butt ugly, but that is about it.

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One thing is for sure: If that Croc slipper survives the bite of a real croc, it might be tougher than it looks.

Panda 1, Snowman 0

Now, this is an interesting little fight. A bit of an unfair one, though. The panda was not satisfied when it removed the snowman’s head. He had to get the final say, but the snowman stood resolute, not giving the panda the satisfaction of victory.

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If it were able to move around, I am sure it would have given the old panda a piece of its mind. But life isn’t always fair and you have to take a cheap shot from time to time.

Now what?

This hamster should have seen the signs. It wasn’t that the tube was getting smaller and smaller — he was just getting fatter and fatter. Of course, he realized his dilemma too late and got stuck. On the other hand, the owner should have seen it coming.

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I mean, look at that food bowl. No wonder the poor hamster can’t stop eating. How can he resist those succulent nuts, seeds and fruit bits? The temptation proved too much for the little guy, and he paid the ultimate price. Time for a diet.

Rubbing it in

All of us have bad days and then we have worse days, but there are also those days when everything just goes wrong. From the moment you wake up to when you eventually lie down to rest your weary head, it just seems like the world is against you.

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To add insult to injury, just when you think it can’t get any worse, something like this happens. You don’t even have the strength to get angry, so you just take the s@#t and let it roll.

I got it!

I reckon Santa sometimes wishes he had a couple of friends he could play ball with. The elves are constantly working, so they can’t help. Besides, they are too short to play ball. Then there is Rudolph and his buddies. It always seems like a good idea at the time.

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That is until Rudolph actually catches the ball. It happens every time. You play for a while and then the ball gets stuck in his antlers. Then he gets all angry and thinks someone is hiding the ball.

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Baker Russell: Russell Baker is a distinguished content writer at, recognized for his exceptional ability to craft engaging, informative, and SEO-optimized articles. With a deep understanding of various subjects, Russell has earned a reputation as a top content creator in the digital landscape. His writing style combines thorough research with a reader-focused approach, ensuring even the most complex topics are presented in an accessible and engaging manner. Russell’s dedication to producing high-quality content consistently makes him a standout figure in the competitive realm of online writing.