Guide to Snake Plant Care: Thriving, Not Just Surviving!

Have you been enchanted by the bold, architectural beauty of the snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)? Or perhaps you’ve been told it’s one of the easiest houseplants to look after and want to introduce some greenery into your space without the hassle? You’ve come to the correct place! A lot of us find snake plants super rewarding to grow, but there’s a difference between keeping them alive and helping them thrive.

With this guide in hand, you will know how to grow a healthy, vigorous snake plant and be proud of it. We’ll be going over everything from basic care to advanced techniques, so no matter if you are a beginner or a seasoned plant parent, there is something here for you.

Getting to Know Your Snake Plant: A Beautiful Plant With a Personality

Native to West Africa, they are also called Mother-in-Law’s Tongue. They are able to withstand drought conditions because they can store water in their thick sword-shaped leaves. That makes them extremely drought-tolerant, but it also means they don’t like to be overwatered. If you understand this basic feature, you will know how to care for snake plants successfully.

Fact: Snake plants are in the same family, Asparagaceae, as asparagus and agave.

Did you know? Snake plants are excellent air purifiers that filter out toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene from the air, and if you refer to NASA’s Clean Air Study (the impact of indoor plants on air quality in a normal home environment is often debated; however, the potential benefit is still a plus!).

Snake Plant Care
Snake Plant Care

Light Requirements: All About Balance

Snake plants are notoriously tolerant of a range of light conditions, but they do have preferences.

Low Light: They can survive in low light (like dark corners of your home), but they will grow at a slower pace, and their colors may fade. They can also be leggy as they reach for the light.

Indirect Bright Light: This is the perfect condition for most snake plants. Think close to an east-facing window or a few feet from a south or west-facing window. Make sure the light is bright enough to create a shadow, but that it doesn’t directly hit the leaves.

Direct Sunlight: Too much direct, hot sunlight can burn the leaves, resulting in brown spots and crispy leaf edges. If you see this, relocate your plant to a place with less direct light.

Pro Tip: Rotate your snakeplant every few weeks to encourage even growth on all sides. This keeps it from bending toward the light source.

Watering: The Golden Rule (Less is More!)

Overwatering is the most frequent error people make with snake plants. These plants are extremely prone to rot, which occurs when roots are submerged in soaked soil for an extended period of time.

The Finger Test: The surest way to know when to water your snake plant is to stick your finger 2 inches into its soil. If it feels dry, you may need to water. If it’s still moist, give it another few days.

Watering Frequency: Will vary based on environment (temperature, humidity, light), pot size, and time of year. So in general, you’ll probably be watering every 2-4 weeks in spring and summer and every 4-8 weeks in autumn and winter.

Watering Method: Soak it until you see water coming out the bottom of the pot. Be sure to dump out any standing water in the saucer or cachepot so the roots don’t sit in water.

NOTE: Always use a well-draining potting mix. Regular garden soil is too dense and moisture-retentive. An ideal substance is a cactus or succulent mix.

Soil and Potting: Setting the Stage

Selecting the correct soil and pot is important for your snake plant’s long-term health.

Soil: A cactus or succulent mix (like we described above) is perfect. You can also mix perlite or coarse sand into regular potting mix to enhance drainage.

Pot Size: The pot should be only a bit larger than the root ball. Snake plants like to be a little root-bound, and an oversized pot can keep too much moisture.

Drainage Holes: Essential! Ensure that your pot has drainage holes to enable runoff.

Terracotta Pots: Terracotta pots are another excellent choice due to their porous nature (meaning the soil dries out faster).

Temperature and Humidity: A Balancing Act

Snake plants are quite tolerant of average indoor temperatures and humidity levels.

Temperature: They like temps from 65°F to 80°F (18°C – 27°C). Do not put them near drafts or cold windows in winter.

Humidity: Normal room humidity should be okay. They don’t need high humidity, as some tropical plants do.

Fertilizing: A Small Dose Makes a Big Difference

Snake plants are light feeders, so they require little fertilizer.

When to Fertilize: During the active growing season (spring and summer).

What You Should Use: Diluted balanced, water-soluble fertilizer at half strength. Cactus or succulent fertilizer is also a great option.

When to Fertilize: Once or twice during the growing season. Stop fertilizing in fall and winter.

Outdoor Discussion: Talking About the Snake Plant Outdoors

Snake plants are one of the joys of houseplant ownership and are easy to propagate! There are two main methods:

Division: This is the simplest and speediest way. Just take the plant out of its pot and carefully divide the rhizomes (underground stems) into smaller pieces, with roots and leaves. Plant each piece in its own pot.

Stage of Propagation: Snake plants can also be propagated from leaf cuttings. Cut a healthy leaf into two- to three-inch pieces. Allow the cut ends to callus over for several days (the raw ends will dry out). Then put the cuttings in water or root directly in soil. Keep in mind that leaf cuttings can lose the variegation of the parent (so if you cut stems from a yellow-edged Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii,’ for example, the offspring could all be green).

Troubleshooting Common Problems

With all the good care, you may still face some challenges. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Yellowing Leaves: Most likely, they have too much water. Check the moisture in the soil and if needed, if adjusted your watering schedule.

Brown leaf tips: This is usually caused by inadequate humidity, underwatering, or water-soluble salts from your water. Try filtered water or rainwater instead.

Mushy Leaves or Base: This is root rot, typically a result of overwatering. In cases of severe rot, you might have to throw away the plant. If caught early, the plant can be saved by cutting out the affected roots and replanting it in fresh, dry soil.

Pests: While snake plants are relatively pest-resistant, mealybugs or spider mites can sometimes be problematic. To treat infestations, use insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Selecting the Best Snake Plant Varieties

Yes, there are actually a tiny surprising variety of snake plants out there to celebrate! Some popular options include:

Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’: The classic snake plant with upright, sword-shaped leaves edged in gold.

Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Hahnii’: A kind of dwarf snake plant, the Bird’s Nest Snake Plant has short, rosette-shaped leaves.

Sansevieria cylindrica: Also known as the African Spear, this kind has cylindrical, not flat, leaves.

Sansevieria Masoniana: Whale Fin or Shark Fin snake plant. One large paddle leaf.

Conclusion—Call to Action for the User

The snake plant is a stunning, easy-care plant that makes a great addition to any home. If you follow these tips, your snake plant will not only survive but also thrive in your home by providing you years of joy and clean air.

Now it’s your turn! What are some of your personal tips and tricks for taking care of snake plants? Or maybe you have a question about a particular problem you’re trying to solve? Comment below if you have experiences and questions! Come and talk with us about snake plants and build a lovely company with us! And, if you’re looking for even more detailed plant care guides and tips not found anywhere else, sign up for our newsletter!


1: What is the watering frequency of a snake plant?

The best way to tell when to water is by feeling the moisture in the soil. Submerge your finger 2 inches into the soil. What to do: Water thoroughly if it feels dry. If it’s moist, wait. Depending on your environment, you should water your plants every 2-4 weeks during spring/summer and every 4-8 weeks during fall/winter. Avoid overwatering!

2: How much light/timing does a snake plant require?

Snake plants are adaptable and thrive in low light up to bright, indirect light. This is best for growth and healthy coloration. Avoid long periods of direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves.

3: What kind of soil do snake plants like?

What kind of soil is best for a peach tree? A: A good potting mix for drainage. Use a cactus/succulent mix, or amend regular potting mix with perlite or coarse sand for better drainage. This prevents root rot.

4: Should I fertilize my snake plant?

Snake plants are light feeders. Soil: Well-draining potting soil; fertilize sparingly (once or twice) during the active growing season (spring/summer) with a diluted, balanced fertilizer or cactus/succulent fertilizer. No fertilization in fall/winter months.

5: What is the best way to propagate a snake plant?

Snake plants can be propagated easily by division (breaking apart the rhizomes) or by leaf cuttings. Stick the leaf in dirt, however lose the variegation when using leaf cuttings, division is quicker.

6: The leaves of my snake plant are turning yellow. What’s wrong?

A: Yellowing leaves are usually a symptom of overwatering. Check your soil, adjust your watering schedule. Make sure that the drainage of the pot is good.


Brown tips of the leaves can be a sign of dry air, not watering enough or minerals built up from tap water. Increase humidity a little, check soil moisture more often than usual or use filtered water.

8: Does snake plant purify air?

Yes, snake plants are considered great air purifiers, filtering out harmful substances from the air (thanks to the NASA Clean Air Study) like formaldehyde and benzene. Whether it has a strong effect in a typical home is a matter of debate, but it’s a possible added benefit.

9: Snake plant temperature: what’s ideal?

Snake plants will do well in normal room temperatures roughly 65°F to 80°F (18°C - 27°C).

10: What’s a Sansevieria trifasciata vs. Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’?

Sansevieria trifasciata is the common species name. Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’ is a popular cultivar (variety) with yellow-margined leaves.


  • Thiruvenkatam

    Thiru Venkatam is the Chief Editor and CEO of, with over two decades of experience in digital publishing. A seasoned writer and editor since 2002, they have built a reputation for delivering high-quality, authoritative content across diverse topics. Their commitment to expertise and trustworthiness strengthens the platform’s credibility and authority in the online space.

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