Home Remedies for Dark Elbows and Knees

HOME REMEEDIES DARK KNEES OR DARK ELBOWSHome remedies for dark elbows and knees

We may notice that sometimes our elbows get darker and the skin is quite rough. This dark elbows and rough skin makes the attention in unflattering way. Dark elbow and knees becomes prominent when the complexion is fair. So, what can be done to make the elbow and knee joint skin lighter and smoother? Here we will share some home remedies and natural tips which will get rid of the dark elbows and knees skin.

Home remedies and treatments for dark elbows and knees

1. Sugar and lemon juice for lighter smoother elbows and knees

This scrub is for the skin lightening and get rid of the darkness from the elbows and knee joint.

  • Mix one teaspoonful of sugar and one teaspoonful of lemon juice.
  • Use that to massage and exfoliate the elbows and over the knees.
  • This will help get rid of the dead flaky skin and will make the skin lighter and smoother.

2. Lemon and almond oil cure for dark elbows and knee

Lemon juice is known to remove the darkness and make skin lighter which is why this is used in the home remedies which involve skin lightening. Almond oil is high in Vitamin E which keeps the rough dry skin of the elbows and the knees softer. Vitamin E also lightens the darkness of the area.

  • Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoonful of almond oil.
  • At night apply the mixture to massage the elbows skin and the skin on the knees.
  • This mixture will make the skin softer and soon the darkness will be gone.
  • Night time is the best to try this home remedy for dark elbows.

3. Potato and cucumber juice for lightening knees and elbows

This is another natural way to remove the darkness from the elbows and knees which looks very odd when the overall body complexion is fair/lighter. To whiten the skin on the elbows and knee this remedy is quite useful.

  • Mix one teaspoonful of cucumber juice and one teaspoonful of potato juice.
  • Apply these juices on the elbows and knees.
  • Massage them gently for 5 minutes.
  • Let the juices soak in and then keep this over night.
  • Try this every day and this will give softer, smoother and lighter elbows and knees.

4. Herbal Pack for dark knees and elbows

A pack or mask can also be tried to get rid of the darkness from the elbows and knee skin. This pack is an excellent cure for dark elbows and makes them smoother with the regular application.

  • Mix some rice flour around 1 teaspoonful and squeeze an entire lemon juice into it.
  • Add half teaspoonful of besan and mix with little water.
  • Keep the consistency thicker but still easy to be spread. Apply this over ark knees and elbows.
  • Once it gets dry.Scrub it off by massaging and wash with plain water.

5. Sugar and honey Scrub to get rid of the dark elbows and knees

Elbow darkness and the knee darkness can be eliminated by the use of this easy to do sugar scrub.This simple remedy is the best home remedy for dark elbows and knees.

  • Take one teaspoonful of sugar and mix one teaspoonful of honey into.
  • Mix and use this to scrub the dead skin on the knees and elbows.
  • Doing this regularly like thrice in a week will show great results.

6. Yoghurt and tomato juice pack for darkness on elbows

Darkness on the elbows and the knee skin can also be taken care with a pack made by tomato juice and yoghurt. Yoghurt makes the darkness fade away and tomato juice whitens the skin over the elbow joint and knees. Both of these also reduces the roughness and flakiness.

  • Mix 1 teaspoonful of yogurt and 1 teaspoonful of tomato juice. Mix them.
  • Apply on the knees and elbows.
  • Wait for 20 minutes.
  • Wash this pack off with plain water.

Using these treatments regularly will certainly help you in fading the dullness and rough skin over your knees and elbows. You’ll get even toned elbows and knees.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.