Home Remedies to remove warts on face, body

warts removalHome Remedies to remove the warts on face, body

Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus HMV and there are so many varieties of the warts. Warts can be spread by skin contact, touching, scratching etc but if you’re wondering how to get rid of the warts on the face, neck, shoulders or any other parts of the body through some natural home remedies then we will share some natural methods that will remove the warts.

Baking powder to remove warts

Baking powder is an extremely good home remedy to get rid of the warts naturally. Make a paste of baking soda with water and apply that on the warts. Keep that for half an hour and then wash off. Do this every day to remove wart fast at home. Make sure that this should be done only on the wart not on the actual skin.

baking sodaGarlic to remove warts

Garlic is very efficient in strengthening the immunity of the body and when it is applied topically over the warts it show some very good results in removing the warts. Rub garlic over the warts and keep it overnight. Do this daily and it will soon show effects on the warts. You can also eat 3-4 garlic a day to strengthen the immunity and to ward off the viral infection which is the major cause of warts and their spreading.

Papaya to remove warts

Papaya is not just to add a glow on the face or to lighten the skin but it also helps to remove the warts from the body. Take a slice of the unripe papaya and take put some pulp from the inner portion and apply over the warts every day at night. This is easy yet will give a flawless wart free skin.

Vitamin C remedy to  remove warts

Warts can also be removed with the help of the vitamin C which is acidic in nature due to which it helps to get rid of the warts. Take a vitamin C tablet and crush it, make some paste with water and apply this thick paste on the warts. Keep it overnight and it will help decrease the size and with regular use, it removes the wart completely.

Banana peel for wart removal

Banana peel is also highly beneficial in dissolving the warts since it has chemical which helps to get rid of the warts in natural way. It is good for warts on body parts as well since it is mild yet an effective home remedy. Rub the inside portion of the banana peel over the warts and leave it overnight. Repeat everyday.

Castor oil and vitamin E for warts removal

Castor oil and vitamin E make a good combination and home remedy to remove warts in an inexpensive ways. Mix some drops of castor oil and few drops of vitamin E oil. You can buy the vitamin E capsules and then use them along with the castor oil. Apply the mixture of both these oils over the warts and leave them overnight. This treatment for warts at home will give good results.

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Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.