Face Packs for Fairness, Glowing skin, Sun tan: Beauty recipes

Face Packs for Fairness, Glowing skin and for removing sun tan

Quite often we desire to get a healthy fairer looking skin that glow and there is no sun tan. Our skin color may be a bit darker by birth though nature has given us so many wonderful products that can easily help us to unleash a fairer and glowing skin. These natural products also allow us to remove the sun tan and other dark spots and marks from the face naturally. The good thing is that our kitchen is full of products that can make skin fairer, glowing and no marks or blemishes. In fact, most of the products used are quite inexpensive at least when compared with the store bought products. So, if you want to know about some perfect face packs for fairness, glowing skin that should also give you blemish free, smoother skin then these face packs that we are sharing are appropriate for you.

face packs for fairness, glowing skin,

Recipes of Homemade face packs for fairness, fair glowing skin, sun tan and dark spots

Aloe Vera gel with tomato and chick pea powder

Take a teaspoonful of aloe Vera gel and a teaspoonful of tomato juice. Mix 2 teaspoonful of chick pea powder in this and mix all the ingredients well. Use this mixture and apply it on the face. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse with plain water and pat dry. This pack makes dark spots lighter, makes complexion fairer and regular usage will make them vanish. This pack also improves the skin texture and reduces the sun tan when done regularly 2 times in a week.

Orange juice with gram flour face mask to remove sun tan

Mix a teaspoonful of gram flour with two teaspoonful of orange juice. Make the consistency thick as runny the consistency, the difficult it will be to keep it on the face. Apply this paste on the face and wait for 20 minutes. Rinse off with plain water. This can be tried by all skin type twice a week. This pack is another good home remedy to get rid of dark spots and fair skin.

Beauty tips, Face toners and Face Packs for glowing skin

Coconut water with milk face tonic

Coconut water with loads of minerals in it is extremely good to lighten the skin and adds a glow. Take a teaspoonful of coconut water and mix it with equal quantity of milk. Apply it on the clean face and wash off with plain water. It is ideal for dry to normal skin and can be done thrice a week.

Coconut water with lime juice toner

A similar home remedy with coconut water can be done by replacing milk with lime juice. It gives the same results in making the skin fairer and tones the skin. It is ideal face mask for oily skin that has lots of pimple marks and spots. Take a teaspoonful of coconut water and half teaspoonful of lime juice. Mix it well. Apply on the face with clean fingers and rinse off after 15 minutes.

Face Packs to remove sun tan, dark spots from face

Potato juice with papaya face mask for dark spots

Papaya is an excellent home remedy to get rid of sun tan and lighten the dark spots and marks. You will need papaya and a potato. Mash a piece of papaya and add a tea spoonful of potato juice in it. Apply this on your face and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it off with plain water.

Milk powder and honey pack for tan

Take a teaspoonful of milk water and a teaspoonful honey. Mix it well and apply it on the clean face. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse off with plain water. Milk powder improves skin texture and lightens the skin. it effectively removes the sun tan. Honey adds a glow on the face is ideal for dry rashy skin. Sun tan will be removed gradually.

Fairness Face packs for oily skin and combination skin

Sandalwood with rose water and Fuller’s earth face mask
Another great fair skin face pack for oily skin is with sandalwood and Fuller’s earth. Take a teaspoonful of sandalwood and add a teaspoonful of fuller’s earth in it. To mix these two ingredients add some rose water. Keep the paste slightly thick so that it can stick on the face nicely. Leave it on the face for 20 minutes and then wash off with plain water.

Sandalwood and aloe Vera gel

Take a teaspoonful of sandalwood power with a teaspoonful of fresh aloe Vera gel. Mix it well and it will take some time to get mixed well thoroughly. Apply this mixture evenly on the face and wash off with 20 minutes. This face pack is suitable for oily skin as it has both the soothing and skin lightening ingredients like sandalwood and aloe Vera.

Try these face packs to get healthier fairer, naturally glowing skin.


  • Anita Sharma

    Anita Sharma is a passionate writer specializing in fashion and lifestyle. With a keen eye for trends and a flair for storytelling, she brings fresh perspectives and expert insights to her readers.

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Anita Sharma

Anita Sharma is a passionate writer specializing in fashion and lifestyle. With a keen eye for trends and a flair for storytelling, she brings fresh perspectives and expert insights to her readers.

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