Homemade Indian Herbal Shampoo Recipe with Reetha, Amla and Shikkakai

Homemade Indian Herbal Shampoo Recipe With Natural Products

Homemade Indian Herbal Shampoo Recipe

We will share herbal recipe for homemade shampoo which cleanses the scalp and gives a healthy boost to the hair. Not only that this homemade recipe will be favorable for hair they are good as they lacks the chemicals that the readymade shampoos contain. Products like Amla (Indian Goose berry) Shikkakai (Acicuia Concina) and Reetha (soap nut) is used a lot in the homemade shampoos.

How to prepare this Indian Herbal Shampoo

Take a saucepan or a bowl that you could put on the burner to boil the water.

In that bowl or pan, add 5 cups of water, 5-6 soap nuts, 7-8 pods of shikkakai and handful of amla dried fruit. You can get all three of these at any grocery store.

If you can get then buy some Brahmi powder as well, if not then we can proceed with this Indian Shampoo recipe with these 3 products only.

So, we have put those 3 products in the saucepan with 5 cups of water for overnight.

The next day, boil the water and let it boil until the water reached only 2 cups approximately.

The more it will boil the more concentrated the liquid will become which will be your shampoo.

Put off the flame and let this water cool off. Once you have made sure that the water is no longer hot and you can comfortably dip your finger, and then mash the amla, shikkakai and reetha present in the bowl.

Mashing them will make the water even more concentrated and rich in the saponins from reetha and amla extracts.

Once you have mashed them fully. Strain this water in a glass.

This is your Indian style herbal homemade shampoo which you will be using.

I hope that the liquid you have extracted can be used at least 2 times, hence you have to fill it in a plastic bottle.

Take that bottle with you in the shower and use it.

See: How to use reetha to wash the hair

How to use this Indian Herbal Shampoo to wash the hair

Now that the shampoo is ready, it’s time to use it on the hair to get the benefits of natural ingredients. Take the water in your palm and apply that on the scalp. Gently massage the scalp with that. Take some more and apply on the hair as well. Soon the entire scalp and hair will be coated with this shampoo. It will produce mild lathers so, keep rubbing for 2-3 minutes. Then leave it for 1 minute as a hair conditioner. Then wash the scalp with normal water. Use cold water to give the hair last rinse.

Benefits of this Indian herbal shampoo

  • This shampoo will strengthen the roots with the powerful extracts of the fruits like amla, shikkakai and reetha.
  • Reetha has saponins which will make her completely free from the product build up, dirt, impurities, scalp oils and grease.
  • Amla gives hair softness and shikkakai promotes the hair growth.
  • Amla and shikkakai are also known to give the benefits in case if thinning hair strands.
  • Reetha will make the hair shinier and silkier.

So, that was it!! Have you tried any Indian Shampoo recipe. If yes, then do share with us too. 🙂

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.