Homemade Papaya Face Packs for Glowing Skin

Homemade Papaya Face packs for glowing skinHomemade Papaya Face Packs for Glowing Skin

Papaya is a brilliant fruit that comes with great beauty uses. Do you know that papaya will benefit in giving you good healthy body and skin when you eat it and when you apply that on your face. Papaya can be used as a face lotion, face mask or face pack which can enhance the natural glow on your face. You may have heard about how good the papaya facials are. We will share these quick beauty tips face packs with papaya fruit that will impart softness and glow.

How papaya packs benefits and adds a glow on the face

Papaya has the enzyme papain in it which gently exfoliates the dull dead skin.

Papain is a AHAs, Alpha Hydroxy acids which give the skin gentle exfoliation and smoothness.

Papaya face masks and packs also enhances the natural texture of the skin.

The enzymes papain also helps to remove the blemishes and spots like age related spots and black marks due to the pimples and acne problems in teenagers and adults.

Not only has that papaya also helps to make skin fair and glowing.

1. Papaya face pack for glowing skin for oily skin


Papaya slice


Lemon juice

Take a small bowl and put a small slice of papaya in it. Mash this slice using a spoon and then add 1 teaspoonful of honey in it. Also add 1 teaspoonful of lemon juice in that. Mix up thoroughly and massage on the face for 2-3 minutes. This will help to increase the blood circulation. Then leave this papaya pack on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse after that and pat dry. You will see that this face pack brings an instant glow on the face as papaya also gently exfoliates the skin and making it smoother. Papaya helps to smoothen the skin texture and beautifies the skin from within.

2. Papaya face mask for glowing skin dry skin

To prepare a facial mask for dry skin that is flaking and peeling, you will need 2 products.


Papaya slice

Milk cream

Crush and mash a small papaya slice to covert that into a paste like form. Then add 1 teaspoonful of milk cream in it. Mix it well and evenly spread on the face. This papaya mask for dry face will make your rough dry skin softer and smoother. The juice of papaya will make the skin glowing in no time. Do you know that papaya and milk cream pack will also make your skin fairer and radiant? As papaya has papain which will does gentle skin peeling or the outer layer and milk cream has fatty acids and milk enzymes which further whitens the skin tone. Brides to be can also try these packs according to their skin types. You can read further on this on : Face packs for bridal skin whitening

You have to try this papaya face pack to get glowing skin 2 times in a week so that the glow is maintained and skin stays healthier. If you have sun tanning then too this will be highly beneficial in reducing the sun darkening from the face and body skin.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.