How to Choose the Right Tech for Your Startup

You’ve gathered enough res for the business idea you’ve been doing for years, got the right people on your side, you’re mentally prepared for the stress of landing it and you’re excited.

As most businesses nowadays revolve around technology, your next step is what technology your new company will use. Below is just the beginner guide you’ll ever need.

Stage selection

When it comes to the right platform for your product, there are two main contenders to consider – mobile and web.

Q: Does this idea look like it will fit neatly into a mobile application? Is this more of a forum? However, remember that one does not negate each other.

It is sometimes preferable for two platforms to coexist, creating a more flexible product. Choosing when you are a beginner seems very rare and you can always create a complementary web page or app after launching the product.

pay attention: It is usually safer to go for web apps as they are more flexible and leave room to fix the error. They also do not require cross-platform compatibility of Android / iOS dedicated apps.

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Selection of equipment

Now is the time to think about what devices your company will use – an option that may seem daunting, especially if you follow the trend of ‘bringing your own equipment’ to your employees.
Nevertheless, your business needs a reliable and powerful customer tool and this choice can ultimately make a world of difference. Your primary options in this area include:

  • Desktop. PCs are pricier, but much more powerful. While you don’t necessarily need them from the get-go, at least a dedicated desktop computer makes performance more intuitive.
  • Laptop. These devices are much more compact than desktops but have similar capabilities. If your business plan involves too much mobility, you will need at least one of the more complex tasks, such as memos, writing and running statistics.
  • Smartphones. Modern businesses are all about quick communication, so many use smartphones as primary customer devices. They are a simple way to communicate with vendors and partners, especially with the many mobile business apps now available.
  • Pills. These gadgets combine smartphone flexibility and laptop capabilities, making them great for complex business operations on the go.

Of course, you can, and sometimes, mix and match these and add more equipment to your supply as your business grows. For starters, choosing one or two should be good enough.

Operating system selection

You know what you are building and what equipment you are using in your company. The next step is picking up the operating system for your devices. Let us examine the pros and cons of the three most prominent options.

Windows: According to recent counts, about 80% of the total market runs on this OS. Therefore, going to Windows does not require nearly any training for your employees, at least the basics. In addition, its comprehensiveness ensures that you will not face software compatibility issues. On the other hand, Windows is notoriously prone to cyber attacks, which means that you will have to spend more time and money implementing security systems.

Mac OS: Mac is famous for running smoothly, causing nothing but software problems, and giving you lots of effortless power. Nevertheless, while high-end Macs are super-computers, they are quite expensive. If you are spending so much on a computer, then you should also consider a strong antivirus for Mac so that you can protect your investment.

Linux: Linux is a free kernel that lets you modify your operating system according to your needs compared to the previous two options. In addition, it is smooth and quite safe. It is also not very easy to use and you will often have to create new business-specific programs instead of downloading the ones already in place.

Pick pile

Finally, it is time to choose a stack on which your code will run. This decision requires careful consideration or you may end up with a defective product.
Choosing your stack depends on the platform, product type, and the number of users you expect. There is a lot of diversity on the market, but the top companies show a clear preference for specific programs. Their tendency deviates to the following:

  • Frameworks – Django and Node.js
  • Programming Languages ​​- Java, PHP, Python
  • Servers – Apache and NGINX
  • DevOps – Docker and Github
  • Database – MySQL

Most corporations also use Google Analytics for their metrics and rely on Slack or Trello for their task management. Of course if these devices do not meet your needs, do not use them.

Loss to avoid

Let’s end by discussing some common startup hiccups in taking technology to ensure it doesn’t make the same mistake.

Skipping Competitive Analysis: One of the first steps of any startup rule book is to see what your competition is doing. However, many new business owners neglect the technology used by their main competitors. Learning these facts can be widely informative and can help you make the right choice yourself.

wasting money: The technology you initially bought is likely to remain with you for years to come. Make sure you are not getting the latest software for your big promises, but what it can actually do for your company. Otherwise, those funds may go in another, more fruitful direction.

Not tested: Once you implement the new software, it starts making your life easier, saving time and automating manual tasks.

If you do not monitor, configure and maintain your virtual tools, you get many benefits. Technology is best when combined with a human component in businesses, so dedicate the time needed to work in your favor.

Read more:

Things Business Need to Do to Make Operating Easier(Opens in a new browser tab)


Lastly, remember that these suggestions touch only a fraction of the possibilities available to you. You can always go for alternative, niche software and tools if they match your goals better.

These platforms, operating systems, and stacks are popular because they work. Once you get a good mix of effectiveness, reliability and affordability, don’t try to overthrow it, but move on to the next steps. There is a long road ahead of you.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.