How to Grow Your Own Pineapple

Pineapple plants can be an enjoyable and rewarding project for those who appreciate fresh fruit. Whether you have leftover pineapple from your next family vacation or are just starting to grow one for the first time, it’s easy to get started!

Pineapples have a fast growth rate, but they require time to root and establish before harvesting. Eventually though, your plant will reward you with delicious fruit that can be enjoyed for years to come.

Picking the Right Pineapple

Growing pineapples for home snacks or culinary uses requires knowledge of how to pick the right one. This tropical fruit can be challenging to grow, but with proper care you can produce plenty of healthy and delectable treats.

Pineapples are a tropical tree native to Brazil, Paraguay and the West Indies. They’re also widely grown in Mexico, Hawaii, southern California and Puerto Rico.

These plants feature large fronds composed of multiple “fruitlets,” or berries. When mature, these berries join to form one large fruit which can range in size from 5-10 pounds (2.5-2.4.5 kg).

Color isn’t the only indication that a pineapple is ripe; according to Vanessa Vincinguerra, registered dietitian at Noom, an aroma also plays a major role. A sweet smell indicates less acidity and more flavor compared to unripe varieties.

Another way to tell if a pineapple is ripe is by looking at its leaves. A fully mature pineapple will have bright green leaves, while an unripe one will display dark green or brownish-green foliage.

Fully ripe pineapple leaves should be soft and easily detached from the fruit; unripe ones may be tough and difficult to take apart. Some experts even suggest gently pulling on the fronds to see if they fall out, which may indicate that your pineapple is ready for consumption.

You can tell if a pineapple is ripe by tapping it against your hand or table. Unripe fruit will make an hollow thud, while mature ones produce a dull and solid sound.

Once you’ve determined that your pineapple is ripe, it’s time to harvest. You have two options: cut it from its plant with a sharp knife or break off its stalk and allow it to ripen at room temperature.

When the pineapple is ready to harvest, its skin should flatten and the color change from green to yellow. This process takes several weeks but once complete, your pineapple can be eaten or processed without further processing.


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Rooting a pineapple begins by twisting off its crown, which is an extension of the center stem that grows from beneath. If you see this, simply remove and plant it like any other crown.

To successfully root a pineapple, you may have to try multiple times. Not all crowns will root successfully and you may need to purchase multiple pineapples before success is achieved.

Before you repot your new pineapple, inspect its roots for any signs of root rot. This can be caused by overwatering and will slow down plant growth, discolor its leaves, and ultimately kill it.

To prevent this issue, keep your pineapple plant’s soil well-drained and water it only when the top of its pot feels dry. While it doesn’t need to be completely submerged, always check its roots before watering again.


Pineapple plants can be grown either in the ground or pots if you live in a warm climate. They thrive best with full sunlight and need moist but not wet soil that drains quickly. While they don’t require an environment with high concentrations of sand or acidity, they do need a nutrient-rich medium with some humus.

For planting, a mixture of sandy loam from your garden and one part compost can serve as the ideal base. You may also add some sand and peat for extra texture. Maintain the pH level of your media between 4.5 and 5.6 to ensure optimal fertility.

After planting your pineapple crown in its container, water it lightly until its roots have taken hold. After several inches have sunk into the ground, you can begin backfilling around its base. When your plant is established and established properly in its permanent home, transplant it into its desired spot.

If you want to propagate a pineapple using the stem cut from an existing grocery store fruit, cut the stem about an inch above the top of the plant and let dry. Next, dip it in a solution of rooting hormone before planting into potting soil. Finally, plant it about one-inch deep, gently firming up any soil around it with your fingertip.

Once the roots have emerged, they can grow quickly and effortlessly. You may even be able to harvest a fresh pineapple from your new crown before it reaches its third year!

To make this process simpler, use a container with drainage holes. These can be found at any gardening supply store; just be sure to drain any water out before reusing them.

As a general guideline, water your plant once every week but make sure the soil dries out between irrigations. Watering too often will cause the soil to become overly wet and prevent healthy root development.

As your pineapple grows older, it will send up a stem that flowers and eventually bears fruit. If grown indoors, this process may take up to two years before fruit production occurs.


Once your pineapple plant has grown to maturity, it’s time for harvest. Depending on the species, this may take years before reaching its full potential; but once harvested, you’ll know why all the effort was worth it!

Before picking your pineapple, inspect it for signs of pests. Mealy bugs and fungi that cause heart rot are two common problems on pineapple plants that can be controlled with soap and water or insecticide.

When selecting your pineapple, look for one that is about one-third yellow and sounds solid when tapped with fingers. Additionally, the fruit should have an aroma of freshness and be mostly brown at the base, where the leaves are located.

When harvesting your fruit, use a sharp knife or pruning snips to cut away the stalk at its base, leaving an inch or two of stem for new growth. Doing this helps avoid diseases spreading to both the mother plant and any suckers or pups that will emerge from it.

Soon after harvesting the pineapple, you should notice tiny plantlets growing at the base of the flower stalk. These are known as pineapple slips and can easily be removed with a twist of your fingers.

Replanting a single pineapple that you’ve grown is possible by cutting it up and planting its crown at the top. This method works great for propagating pineapples, though it may take several years before fruit begins appearing.

When planting your pineapple, choose a container twice the size of its root ball. You can either plant in soil or use a potting mix composed of sand, peat and perlite. Once roots have developed, move it to an optimal location where it will receive ample sunlight and water.


  1. Do I need a special type of soil to grow pineapples?

Yes, pineapples prefer well-draining soil that is slightly acidic. You can use a mixture of potting soil and sand to achieve the proper soil conditions.

  1. Can I grow pineapples indoors?

Yes, you can grow pineapples indoors as long as they receive plenty of sunlight and warmth. You may need to use grow lights during the winter months to supplement natural sunlight.

  1. How often should I water my pineapple plant?

Water your pineapple plant regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged. During the summer months, you may need to water your plant once or twice a week, while during the winter months, you can reduce watering to once a week.

  1. Can I grow pineapples from seeds?

Yes, you can grow pineapples from seeds, but it can take up to five years for the plant to mature and produce fruit. It’s faster and easier to grow pineapples from the crown of a mature fruit.

  1. Can I propagate my pineapple plant?

Yes, you can propagate your pineapple plant by removing and replanting the offshoots (also known as “pups”) that grow from the base of the plant. Wait until the offshoots are at least 6 inches (15 cm) tall before removing them from the parent plant.

  1. How long does it take for a pineapple to mature?

It takes about two to three years for a pineapple plant to mature and produce fruit.

  1. Can I grow pineapples outdoors?

Yes, you can grow pineapples outdoors in warm, tropical regions. They prefer warm temperatures between 70-85°F (21-29°C) and can tolerate some humidity.

  1. How do I know when my pineapple is ready to harvest?

Pineapples are ready to harvest when they turn yellow and are fully ripe. The fruit should twist easily off the stem when it’s ready to be harvested.

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