How to play Super Mario Bros. Wonder online with friends

Playing “Super Mario Bros. Wonder” online with my friends always feels like a throwback to those carefree childhood days, huddled around a TV with sticky controllers and a box of pizza that, frankly, had no chance of making it to the end of the night. Let me walk you through how you can recreate this magic, even if you’re miles apart. Trust me, it’s a blast, even if someone always ends up hogging Mario!

Grab Your Gear

First things first, make sure everyone’s got what they need. You’ll need a game console or PC. And, of course, your own copy of “Super Mario Bros. Wonder.” It’s like showing up to a potluck; you gotta bring something to the table. And don’t forget a solid internet connection—lag is the archenemy of online gaming.

Set Up Your Fortress

Updating your device might be as exciting as watching paint dry, but it’s gotta be done. Make sure “Super Mario Bros. Wonder” is installed and up-to-date. Oh, and if your platform demands an online subscription (looking at you, Nintendo), make sure that’s sorted. It’s the entry fee to our digital playground.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Rally the Troops

Remember when we used to scribble our friend codes on scraps of paper? Now, just swap those digital IDs online. The grown-up equivalent of trading Pokémon cards, I guess. Set up a lobby and invite your crew. For the banter and inevitable trash talk, get your voice chat sorted. Discord is a good shout, or whatever floats your boat.

Let the Games Begin

Fire up “Super Mario Bros. Wonder” and dive into the multiplayer madness. Whether you’re teaming up in co-op mode or facing off in a competitive sprint, it’s all about the fun. And maybe a little bit about proving who’s the undisputed champion of the Mushroom Kingdom.

Play Nice, or Don’t

Now, the fun part begins. Team up, tackle levels, and try not to fall out over who gets to be Mario. Remember, communication is key. Whether you’re strategizing a boss fight or just laughing at your friend’s umpteenth fall into a pit, it’s these moments that make it memorable.

If Things Go South

Internet acting up? Can’t connect? Take a deep breath. Tech hiccups happen to the best of us. Check your connection, restart the router, or do the classic turn-it-off-and-on-again. Worse comes to worst, there’s always customer support to fall back on. They’re the unsung heroes in our quest for uninterrupted gaming.


Playing “Super Mario Bros. Wonder” online with friends is about recapturing those golden days of gaming together, except now we can do it without having to leave our couches. It’s about laughter, friendly competition, and the occasional rage quit—just like the old times.

So there you have it. Set up your gear, gather your pals, and dive headfirst into the nostalgia. Just remember, it’s all about having fun. And maybe, just maybe, letting someone else be Mario for a change. Happy gaming

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.