How to use Brahmi Powder for Hair Loss and Baldness

brahmi for hair loss

Brahmi for Hair Loss and Baldness: Our hair is a precious accessory that no one of us wish to get problems with. Every girl gets conscious when it is the matter of hair. Either men or women, hair loss is commonly seen among all in this season. Pollution, improper diet and high stress levels make it vulnerable to handle the issues.  Now let’s begin the journey of healthy way of living that brings natural ways to enhance the beauty of the hair with brahmi. Brahmi is a natural herb that has been used a lot in the hair care and health care products. Do you know that using brahmi hair packs can help you get smooth hair and control hair fall a swell. In achieving beautiful hair you should take care of the hair. This is why a lot of hair packs are available in the market with herbal ingredients. Brahmi is one of them. Brahmi powder is made by grinding dried Brahmi leaves.

Brahmi powder is used for hair packs and mask by mixing other natural ingredients like amla power, shikakai, and bhringraj powder in it. Hibiscus flower powder is also mixed to make a hair pack to control hair fall and combat hair loss.

Benefits of Brahmi for Hair Care

Brahmi is an Ayurvedic plant that is good for hair health and skin.

Hair loss and hair fall: Hair fall can be controlled with the constant usage of Brahmi on hair. It prevents baldness and excessive hair loss due to abnormal conditions.You can feel the difference in the texture in your hair after using Brahmi powder.

Split Ends: Using the brahmi powder regularly on your hair can ensure that the hair stays free of those splits ends. Splits end not only make the hair growth affected but also makes the hair get tangled faster. Brahmi has nutrients that minimize the frizz and cures the split ends. It also adds up the lost luster on the hair. So, brahmi adds luster and shine to the locks.

Dandruff: Brahmi hair packs reduces dandruff and also prevents itchy red scalp. Brahmi oil can be used to treat skin infections like dandruff and itchy scalp.

How To use Brahmi for Hair fall, Hair loss and dandruff Control

There are many several methods through which one can try brahmi on the hair like hair packs, hair oils, hair potions etc. These ways that you can reap the benefits of Brahmi herb and within few usages one can see the drastic results in elimination of the problems of the hair. Here, are the ways by which you can apply brahmi on your hair to get all those wonderful benefits.

Herbal Hair Pack:

Herbal hair packs are always considered as a best remedy to cure the loss of hair. We can simply prepare a mixture of variety of herbs to help control that hair fall and hair loss problems. Men too experiences that hair fall and thinning of their frontal hair.

  • Take ½ cup of brahmi powder and 2 teaspoonfuls each of the neem powder, amla powder, reetha powder and shikakai powder.
  • Water is used to mix everything well.
  • You need to judge how much water is required to make a smooth paste of medium consistency.
  • Do not make a thick paste or very loose or runny paste.
  • Apply this mixture on the hair and coating all the hair and the scalp.
  • Then leave this for 1 hour. Yes, one hour is suitable.

When to apply?

After that wash the hair with normal water. Try this at least once in a week to get the maximum benefits of these herbs.

Brahmi powder with coconut milk

You must have seen that coconut milk is used a lot in products which are made for the control of dryness and frizzy hair. Moreover, coconut milk has been extensively used as a herbal remedy to control the extensive hair loss. Loss of hair is a very serious problem as thin and less hair can look bad and is a major beauty concern for lot of us. Brahmi and coconut milk together can aids in the reduction of the lumps of hair coming out.

  • Make a paste of some brahmi powder and coconut milk.
  • You can also use coconut water and some honey if coconut milk is not there.
  • Apply this on the hair and then wash after 50-60 minutes.

More Brahmi Hair Remedies to control hair fall

Below are some more remedies and treatment with brahmi powder that can curb the hair woes.

Brahmi powder with Mustard oil

Mustard oil is really good for the hair. Way back in the old times, people often preferred using mustard oil to maintain hair shine and volume. The reason mustard oil is used a lot for hair care is the amount of nutrients present in the mustard oil. These nutrients help manage the excessive hair-fall. But in today’s time use of mustard oil have become very limited in hair care. The reason is clear as in this fast paced life the oil is very thick so, one cannot use this daily. But you can certainly use mustard oil and brahmi powder to control hair loss and prevent premature hair graying. Both of them are good source of fatty acids, vitamin-A, selenium, iron etc. This remedy is one of the best for hair growth and hair fall control. It boosts hair growth and increase moisture in the hair that makes them soft.

How to make it?

  • Take 5 full spoons of Brahmi powder or you can alternatively, take some fresh leaves of Brahmi and let it dry in the sunlight for a few days.
  • Then grind it in a grinder and the Brahmi powder is ready to use.
  • Now, heat a pan for just a few seconds and add 7 spoons of mustard oil in it
  • Add brahmi powder in the same and massage it onto the scalp
  • Press the pressure points and feel relaxed in the process
  • Apply the remaining oil on the tips and ends.
  • Keep it for an hour or more and then wash it with an herbal shampoo and conditioner.

Brahmi Powder and Coconut oil for shine and anti hair fall

Brahmi and coconut oil can be a wonderful treatment. to induce shine. This hot oil treatment can help you to get rid of hair loss and baldness. You need two oils in this treatment i.e. coconut oil and olive oil. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin-E and fatty tissues that give moisture to your locks. It makes them super manageable. It treats damaged and permed strands. Olive oil at the same time is popular for various benefits but it gives good results on hair growth and shine.

How to make it?

  • Take 5 full spoons of brahmi powder in a bowl
  • Add 4 full spoons of olive oil
  • 3 spoons of coconut oil
  • 1 spoon of almond oil (optional)
  • Mix all the essential oils well in the bowl
  • Now heat it for a bit and then massage on the scalp gently
  • Be slow and massage on the back side of your head
  • After massaging, apply the hair oil on the hair mid and ends properly
  • Leave it for minimum 2 hours and for best results, keep it overnight.
  • In the morning wash it with hair cleanser

Amla oil and Brahmi leaves for hair growth

To achieve instant results for the reduction in the hair loss, try this easy to use hair treatment for a month or more. Amla oil is a super good and natural remedy for baldness and all hair troubles. It gives blackness to the hair and controls dandruff. It makes your hair strong and silky after a few uses.

How to make it?

  • Soak the brahmi leaves in 8 spoons of amla oil.
  • Warm up the oil a little bit.
  • Keep it overnight and apply it onto the hair strands
  • Wash it off after 60 minutes.

Brahmi and bhringraj Hair pack for growth and hair fall relief

Bhringraj is known to darken those white or grey hairs. In fact, a lot of hair oil has bhringraj as it can positively control the hair fall and stimulates those dormant hair follicles to grow faster. This remedy is best for hair growth. Bharmi and bhringraj is a wonderful combination for hair growth and that too faster.

  • You need just 2 products, bhrahmi powder and bhringraj powder.
  • Both of them are very easily available in the market in their powder form.
  • Take both the powder in equal amount and make paste with some coconut water or simple plain water.
  • Mix and apply nicely on the hair and the scalp.
  • This also cures the dull and lifeless hair.

Just remember, that you have to keep this hair growth hair pack for at least an hour for better results. Natural remedies take time so, be patient and keep using them.

Brahmi and hibiscus for Long hair

Hibiscus is a flower that has been used since ages in the time back to achieve beautiful lustrous hair. Every part of the hibiscus plant is used like the leaves, petals, and everything for hair care. You must have seen several hibiscus shampoos in the market along with the hibiscus oils for hair care.

  • Just take 2 teaspoonful of brahmi powder and few hibiscus flowers.
  • Grind them and make a paste with some water.
  • Add some reetha pieces too so that it also acts as a hair cleaner while you are using this herbal hair pack for long hair and growth.
  • Apply this homemade hair pack and wash after 60 minutes.

When to use?

Try it once in a week. You can also use the above mentioned herbal remedies with brahmi powder to treat your hair loss along with this one with hibiscus.

So, this is who you can utilize the brahmi powder to get rid of the hair fall, dandruff and to endure faster hair growth.

Have you used brahmi powder for hair? How did you try it?

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.