How to Use Eggs for Dry Damaged Hair and Growth

How to Use Eggs for Dry Hair and Shiny hair, Eggs remedies for dry hair and damaged hair

Whether it’s that Saturday party night or Sunday chill out morning, your hair completes the whole look. Right or not?. We visit salons before going out to a special place and to look the best among all. But yes! Sometimes it becomes really difficult to handle those bad hair days with super dry strands. Isn’t? It is because with the busy schedules, we forget giving time and efforts to daily hair care. So today I am sharing with you all that, how easily you can pamper your hair at home with the most commonly used food material i.e egg. Eggs can give a new life to the otherwise dry hair and also loads of shine. If you are wondering how to use eggs for curing the lack lustre dry hair and initialize growth, then this article can be at your aid.

how to use eggs for dry hair

Benefits of Eggs for Hair

  • It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that give moisture to your hair
  • It deeply nourishes the hair and scalp with its high protein content
  • Eggs consist of vitamins like E, A, D, B6, B12 and anti-oxidants.
  • It controls frizziness and makes hair shiny
  • Egg white decrease itchiness and dryness of the scalp
  • It boosts hair growth and makes your locks manageable
  • It smoothes the strands and repair damaged hair

Methods and treatments to apply eggs for dry hair

Following are the remedies for good and super smooth hair. Do try these on regular basis so that the results last long. Once in a week or twice would be sufficient to repair the dry locks faster.

1. Egg white with olive oil mask for Growth

The best way to get rid of damaged hair is to give the required amount of nutrients to the locks. Dryness is the major cause of split ends and dull hair. To avoid such situation, olive oil is great. It is rich in anti-oxidants and vitamin-A, E and other essential fatty acids that gives excessive moisture to your hair strands. It also stimulates hair growth. Did you remember, we shared a post on Eggs for hair growth, do read that too if you are loosing hair excessively.

How to apply it?

  • Beat an egg in a small bowl
  • Separate its egg white in another bowl
  • Mix both the ingredients well
  • Now apply it using a brush onto your hair and scalp
  • Tie your hair in a ponytail or a bun to secure it
  • Wash it after 25 minutes with water

2. Egg and yoghurt Hair Mask for dry hair

Yoghurt is a good source of fats and proteins. It is a complete blend of requiring fats and nutrients that make the hair healthy and soft. It treats split ends and control frizz. Moreover, curd or yoghurt will deep condition the hair strands,

How to apply it?

  • Take an egg and beat it
  • We have to use the egg white so separate it in other bowl
  • Mix 1 cup of fresh and pure yoghurt in it
  • Add 2 spoons of almond oil in the mixture as it works great on dry locks
  • Mix 1 spoon of honey in the mask and mix well
  • Now detangle your hair first and part them into two sections
  • Start applying this egg hair pack onto the top of your hair part
  • Follow the mid and ends
  • Keep it for 30 minutes and rinse it with cold water

3. Avocado and Egg Yolk for Dryness

Egg yolk is also considered conditioning for the hair. Avocado is rich in vitamins and anti-oxidants that induce hair health and results in soft smooth hair. It cures rebounded and chemical treated hair. It increases the hair shine and smoothness. Egg and avocado is one of the perfect hair treatment combination for dry and damaged hair.

How to apply it?

  • Ripe one avocado and mash this fruit properly
  • Now add egg white one 1-2 eggs in a bowl (as per your hair length and volume)
  • Mix both the ingredients in the same bowl
  • Add 5 spoons of mayonnaise in the mixture
  • Finally, apply it onto your hair and massage it for a few minutes in a circular motion by pressing some pressure points
  • Be gentle and rinse it off after 30 minutes with lukewarm or cold water.

4. Egg Yolk, Gram Flour and Olive Oil

This is a protein rich hair pack. It cleanses the dry hair and also deep conditions the dry locks. The dry hair which is rough and is lifeless gets a new life and bounce with this pack. Eggs and gram flour both are rich source of proteins which makes the hair cuticle manageable.

  • Take 1 teaspoonful of gram flour or besan and add one egg yolk in this.
  • Add 2 teaspoonful of extra virgin olive oil as well.
  • Egg yolk is good for dry hair.
  • Make this mixture smooth by whipping it thoroughly.
  • After that apply this on your dry hair and cover each and every hair strand.
  • Wash the hair thoroughly with cold water.

5. Egg yolk and Banana with Honey

This will be a good hair moisturizer for the dry and damaged hair. Hair damage can be due to the sun and chlorinated water as well. This remedy with egg and honey is excellent to combat that dryness.


  • Take one egg yolk along with the egg white and then add 2 teaspoonful of honey in it.
  • Also add a small piece of banana.
  • You can take banana pulp by mashing it with spoon or by putting that in the blender or grinder.
  • Apply this paste on the hair and keep for 1 hour then wash with the cool water.
  • Do not wash egg with warm water as this will be very difficult to get rid of that.

Mayonnaise for Dry  Hair

Mayonnaise are made with the eggs and olive oil. so, this amazing product too can be used to make the hair shinier and to get rid of the dryness. Take 2-3 teaspoonful of mayonnaise and apply all over the hair. Cover every day hair strands and then leave for 1 hour. Rinse with cold water. Repeat after 2 days to see quick results in the smoothing of dry hair. Also sue shampoo if you have to go out as the smell can be a turn off.

Oils with Egg Yolk Remedies for Dry Hair Shine

Oils are vital for hair conditioning so, when we massage with oils they provide deep conditioning and moisture to the hair roots and fibers. Egg when mixed up with oils becomes a deadly combination for dryness cure.

Egg Yolk with coconut oil

Take 1 egg yolk and mix with 3-4 teaspoonful of coconut oil. Make sure your coconut oil is of high quality and not of some cheap quality. Mix this thoroughly and then apply this on the hair and scalp. Keep for 1 hour and wash with cool water. Repeat after 2 days. Every 2 times in a week will be suitable and give good results in dryness of the hair.

Egg with Almond oil

Take 3-4 teaspoonfuls of almond oil and one egg. Beat the egg and mix that with the almond oil. Then you can mix it well. Apply this on the hair and then keep this for 30 minutes then wash off with plain water. Never do this with warm water.

Castor Oil and Egg

Castor oil is rich in the fatty acids that heals the dryness of the hair and also removes the dandruff. You can also add little bit of honey. Honey also deeply nourishes the hair. Take 3-4 teaspoonful of castor oil and mix that with one entire egg. You need to whisk the egg fully else the application will be messy and tricky.

Extra Tips for Dry Hair Cure

You should never brush your hair wet as this will make the hair even drier. You can also put the serum which conditions the dry hair properly. Moreover, apply some leave in conditioner to further moisturizes the hair.

Never use harsh chemical loaded shampoos which will make your hair dry and rough. These chemicals actually strip the moisture balance.

Never use the warm or hot water for removing the egg packs as this will make the egg getting rid of very difficult.

You can apply hot oil at night to get back the natural moisture of hair.

Apply pure jojoba oil at night which will also condition the hair.

This is how you try eggs to get rid of the dry hair and induce shine in the hair. Have you used these? Do try regularly and get amazing results.

If dry hair is your major problem then you would surely love our other articles on dry hair care.

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About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.