IBPS PO Cut Off 2023, Prelims Section-wise Cut Off Marks

IBPS PO Cut Off 2023: The IBPS PO cut off will be released on the official website @ibps.in after each stage and final cut-off marks will be prepared from combined scores in Mains Examination and Interview. We will update the IBPS PO Cut Off 2023 in this article as it will be announced by IBPS. However, the candidates can also have a look at the previous year’s cut-off marks of the IBPS PO Exam are helpful to get an idea about the difficulty level of the exam IBPS conducts.

IBPS PO Cut Off 2023

IBPS PO Prelims Exam 2023 has been conducted on 23rd and 30th September 2023. The IBPS will release the IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off along with its IBPS PO Score Card. The cut off marks will be prepared on the basis of difficulty level of questions asked, number of vacancies announced, and other parameters. 

IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2023

Based on previous years’ cut offs, it is expected that the overall cut off for the IBPS PO Prelims Exam in 2023 will fall between 50 to 60 marks. The expected cut off is provided in the table below, taking all factors into consideration.

IBPS PO Prelims Expected Cut Off 2023
Category IBPS PO Prelims Expected Cut Off
General/OBC 49 to 55
SC 43 to 45
ST 38 to 43

IBPS PO Prelims Result 2023- Click to Check

IBPS PO Prelims Score Card 2023- Click to Check

IBPS PO Previous Year Cut-Off 

Here, we are sharing IBPS PO Previous Year Cut-Offs which will help all candidates to have an idea for the cut-off for the upcoming IBPS PO Exam. Go through the year-wise and stage-wise IBPS PO previous year cut-off marks and prepare a strategy to score good marks in the upcoming IBPS PO Exam 2023.

IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2022

IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2022 has been released along with IBPS PO Score Card 2022. Based on the previous year’s cut-off marks, the number of vacancies released, difficulty level and the officials has released IBPS PO Prelims  Cut Off 2022 which has been updated here as released officially. 

IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2022- Category-wise

IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2022 (Category-wise)
Category Cut-Off Marks
GEN 49.75
SC 46.75
ST 40.75 
OBC 49.75
EWS 49.75
HI 17.50
OC 32.75
VI 24.75
ID 19.75

IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2022- Section-wise

IBPS PO Prelims Sectional Cut-Off 2022
Subjects English Language Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning Ability
Maximum Score 30 35 35
Cut Off Score 
09.75 08.75 09.25
Cut Off Score 
06.50 05.50 05.00
Cut Off Score 
06.50 05.50 05.00

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2022

IBPS PO 2022 mains exam was conducted on 26th November 2022. IBPS PO Mains Cut-off 2022 has been released along with the IBPS PO mains scorecard 2022 by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. The category-wise and section-wise IBPS PO mains cut-off has been updated here. 

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2022- Category Wise

Category Cut Off Marks (Out of 225)
General 71.25
OBC 69.75
SC 59.25
ST 53.25
EWS 70.50
HI 37.75
OC 50.50
VI 66.25
ID 36

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2022- Section-wise

Let’s have a look at IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2022 (Section-wise).

S. No. Subject Maximum Marks Cut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) Cut Off (General/ EWS)
1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 60 04.75  07
2. English Language 40 12.25 15.50
3. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 01 02.25
4. General, Economy & Banking Awareness 40 02 04.50
5. English Language (Descriptive) 25 08.75  10

IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2023

IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2023 has been released along with IBPS PO Final Result 2023 and IBPS PO Final Score Card 2023. The candidates scoring more than the cut-off marks are qualified for the final selection. You can check IBPS PO Final Cut Off for 8432 Probationary Officer vacancies from here. IBPS PO Final Cut Off Marks has been released section-wise and category-wise.

IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2023 (Provisional Allotment)

Maximum and Minimum scores (combined scores in Online Main Examination and Interview out of 100) – CRP-PO/MT-XII

Maximum Scores 48.98 47.09 51.16 49.24 57.62 43.73 47.60 52.76 45.76
Minimum Scores 38.02 36.24 41.38 41.76 43.47 24.11 35.73 37.82 22.80

IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2023 (Reserve List)

37.67 35.91 41.09 41.49 43.13 NA 35.47 37.42 NA

IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2021

IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off for all categories & sections has been updated here as released by IBPS on its official website.

IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2021- Category-wise

IBPS PO Prelims Cut Off 2021 (Category-wise)
Category Cut-Off Marks
GEN 50.5
SC 44.50
ST 38
OBC 50.5
EWS 50.5
HI 20.75
OC 42
VI 37
ID 20.75

IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2021- Section-wise

IBPS PO Prelims Sectional Cut-Off 2021 
Subjects English Language Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning Ability
Maximum Score 30 35 35
Cut Off Score 
10 9 10
Cut Off Score 
6.75 6.25 6.25
Cut Off Score 
6.75 6.25 6.25

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2021-22

IBPS PO Mains cut-off 2022 has been released today along with the IBPS PO scorecard. IBPS PO Mains Cut Off has been released both category-wise and section-wise on the official website www.ibps.in. All candidates can check  IBPS PO Mains Cut Off 2021-22 from the tables given below.

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2021-22 Category-wise

Let’s have a look at IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2021-22 (Category-wise).

Category Cut Off Marks (Out of 225)
General  80.75
OBC  75.75
SC  65.5
ST  57.75
EWS  77.25
HI  42.50
OC  62.50
VI  77.75
ID  46

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2021- Section-wise

Let’s have a look at IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2021-22 (Section-wise).

S. No. Subject Maximum Marks Cut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) Cut Off (General/ EWS)
1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 60  4.50  7.25
2. English Language 40  10 13.25 
3. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60  6.5  9.25
4. General, Economy & Banking Awareness 40  1.75  3.75
5. English Language (Descriptive) 25  8.75  10

IBPS PO Final Cut Off 2021-22

IBPS released IBPS PO final cut-off marks along with the IBPS PO Final Result. IBPS PO Final cut-off 2021 has been released section-wise and category-wise. The candidates scoring more than the cut-off marks will be qualified for the final selection. Check IBPS PO Final Cut Off for 5809 Probationary Officer vacancies. 

Maximum and Minimum scores (combined scores in Online Main Examination and Interview out of 100) – CRP-PO/MT-XI

Maximum Scores 60.30 49.87 58.04 52.58 68.76 52.27 53.04 43.00 54.09
Minimum Scores 40.18 37.89 44 45.20 47 40.98 44.27 26 26.36

IBPS PO Reserve List Cut-Off 2022

39.87 37.49 43.71 44.89 46.67 NA 40.58 44.09 NA

IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2020

IBPS PO 2020 Prelims exam was conducted on 19th, 20th and 26th September 2020 to recruit 3517 Probationary Officers in different public sector banks across the country. IBPS PO Cut-Off for 2020-21 Prelims exam has been released on 20th January 2021 with its scorecard & marks. IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2020-21 is mentioned below.

IBPS PO Prelims Cut-Off 2020: Category-wise

Category Cut Off Marks
General 58.75
OBC 58.50
SC 51
ST 43.5
EWS 57.75
HI 19.75
OC 46
VI 54.25
ID 21.75

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2020

The cut-off for the IBPS PO mains exam was released on 24th February 2021. The result for the same was released by IBPS on 18th February 2021. The cut-off table for IBPS PO 2020-21 mains exam is given below.

Category Cut Off Marks (Out of 225)
General 83.50
OBC 78.63
SC 66.38
ST 52.25
EWS 75.75
HI 38.25
OC 61.25
VI 84.88
ID 53.00

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2020: Section-wise

S. No. Subject Maximum Marks Cut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) Cut Off (General/ EWS)
1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 60 03.75 06.00
2. English Language 40 08.50 11.75
3. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 05.75 08.75
4. General Economy & Banking Awareness 40 06.25 09.75
5. English Language (Descriptive) 25 08.75 10.00

IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2020

IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2020-21 was released along with its final result on 1st April 2021. The final cut-off for the IBPS PO exam (Interview + Mains) is given below.

Maximum and Minimum Scores (Combined Scores in Mains Examination and Interview out of 100)

Maximum Scores 52.20 52.11 55.82 52.40 62.98 53.78 64.16 42.16 54.31
Minimum Scores 39.73 35.56 43.96 42.98 47.89 38.84 45.89 27.20 28.44

IBPS PO Cut-Off 2019

IBPS PO Cut-Off for the 2019 Prelims exam has been released with its scorecard & marks on 8th November 2019. IBPS PO Prelims 2019 Cut-Off table is mentioned below.

IBPS PO 2019 Prelims Cut-Off: Category-wise

Category Cut Off Marks
General 59.75
OBC 59.75
SC 53.50
ST 46.25
EWS 59.75
HI 21.25
OC 44.50
VI 52.25
ID 20.75

IBPS PO 2019 Prelims Cut-Off Score: General Category

Subjects English Language Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning Ability Total
Maximum Score 30 35 35 100
Cut Off Score 
10.50 8.75 10.25 59.75
Cut Off Score 
6.50 5.25 6.50  

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2019

IBPS has released IBPS PO Cut-Off for 2019-20 Mains exam on 9th January 2020. The mains exam for IBPS PO 2019 was conducted 30th November 2019. The Category-wise and Section-wise cut-off tables for IBPS PO Mains exam are provided below.

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2019: Category-wise

Category IBPS PO Mains Cut Off
Marks (Out of 225)
EWS 65.88
OBC 70.25
SC 55.63
ST 38.13
HI 41
OC 46.13
VI 70.50
ID 45.88

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2019: Section-wise

S. No. Subject Maximum Marks Cut Off (SC/ST/ OBC/PwD) Cut Off (General/ EWS)
1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 60 05.50 07.75
2. English Language 40 10.75 14.25
3. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 02.50 05.25
4. General Economy & Banking Awareness 40 05.00 08.00
5. English Language (Descriptive) 25 08.75 10.00

IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2019

Maximum Scores 47.07 50.80 50.22 48.98 60.58 46.38 53.16 42.33 42.04
Minimum Scores 36.02 33.24 40.27 40.82 44.44 36.00 42.18 26.36 28.80

IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2018

IBPS PO Cut-Off 2018-19: IBPS PO 2018-19 Mains Exam was conducted on 18th November 2018. The Interview for IBPS PO 2018-19 was held February 2019. IBPS has released IBPS PO 2018-19 Cut-Off Marks and result on 1st April 2019 on its official website i.e. ibps.in. IBPS PO 2018-19 Final Cut-Off Table and Reserve List Cut-Off Table are mentioned below. So, all candidates can check IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2018-19 on this page & other updates will be updated here soon.

IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2018-19: Category-wise

55.34 47.33 53.02 63.91 34.69 50.69 56.11 43.69
Minimum Scores 35.78 31.60 40.29 43.87 25.16 31.36 42.09 20.36

IBPS PO Reserve List Cut-Off 2018

35.38 31.05 39.91 43.42 NA 30.42 40.71 NA

IBPS PO Mains Cut-Off 2018

IBPS has released IBPS PO 2018-19 Mains Cut-Off Marks. The Section-wise & Category-wise cut off for IBPS PO 2018-19 Mains Exam are mentioned below:

IBPS PO 2018 Mains Cut-Off: Subject-wise

Serial No. Subject Maximum Marks Cut Off (SC/ST/OBC/PwD) Cut Off (General)
1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 60 7.50 10.25
2. English Language 40 7.50 11.25
3. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 2.25 4.50
4. General Economy & Banking Awareness 40 5.00 8.00
5. English Language (Descriptive) 25 8.75 10.00

IBPS PO 2018 Mains Cut-Off: Category-wise

Category Cut Off Marks
OBC 68.38
SC 56.38
ST 35.75
HI 42.63
OC 53.25
VI 66.88
ID 37.00

IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Cut-Off

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Board (IBPS) has released IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Cut-Off Marks. The Section-wise & Category-wise cut off for IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Exam are mentioned below:

IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Cut-Off: Category-wise

Category Cut Off Marks
General 56.75
OBC 55.50
SC 49.25
ST 41.75

IBPS PO 2018 Prelims Cut-Off Score For General Category:

Subjects English Language Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning Ability Total
Maximum Score 30 35 35 100
Cutoff Score 08.75 07.75 9.00 56.75

IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2017

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Board has finally released IBPS PO Final Cut-Off 2017. The cut-off will neable candidates to compare their score with the selected candidates and a get a fair idea of the minimum qualifying marks required to get the appointment letter from IBPS.

Category Maximum Score Minimum Score
SC 53.20 38.56
ST 54.74 33.73
OBC 57.18 43.02
UR 65.58 47.04
HI 45.42 25.07
OC 51.11 38.53
VI 74.14 45.88
ID 44.38 28.87

IBPS PO 2017 Mains Cut Off:

IBPS has released IBPS PO 2017 Mains Cut Off and Score Card. Candidates can check their score & IBPS PO Cut-Off by clicking on the link below. To get a clear idea of the IBPS PO Mains Cut Off, let’s have a look at the Cut-Off mentioned below:

Following are the category-wise cut off of IBPS PO Mains 2017:

Category Cut-Off
GEN 82.00
OBC 75.63
SC 62.50
ST 42.25
VH 77.87
ID 55.00
HI 47.75
OC 59.63

Following are the section-wise/test-wise cut off of IBPS PO Mains 2017:

Serial Number Sections Maximum Marks Cut-Off Marks (SC/ST/OBC/PWD) General
1. Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 60 7.50 10.25
2. General Economy/Banking Awareness 40 8.25 11.25
3. English Language 40 3.25 5.75
4. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60 10.75 14.00
5. English Language (Descriptive) 25 8.75 10.00

IBPS PO 2017 Prelims Cut Off:

Cutoff Score For General Category:

Subjects English Language Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning Ability Total
Maximum Score 30 35 35 100
Cutoff Score 05.00 07.75 10.00 42.75

Category-wise Cut-Off (2017 Prelims)

Category Cut off
Scheduled Caste (SC) 36.00
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 28.50
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 42.25
General (Gen) 42.75
Hearing Impaired 15.75
Orthopaedically Challenged 28.75
Visually Impaired 23.25
Intellectual Disability 17.75

IBPS PO Mains Cut Off(2016):

Sr.No. Name of the Test Maximum Marks Cutoff
SC/ST/ OBC/ PWD General
1. Reasoning 50 03.25 05.25
2. English Language 40 02.25 04.75
3. General Awareness 40 08.00 10.75
4. Computer Awareness 20 05.00 06.50
5. Quantitative Aptitude 50 10.75 12.50

Category-wise Cut-Off (2016)

Category Cut-offs on Total (Out of 200)
Scheduled Caste (SC) 41.75
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 31.50
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 52.50
General (Gen) 52.50
Hearing Impaired (HI) 37.00
Orthopaedically Challenged 34.00
Visually Impaired (VI) 37.50

IBPS PO 2016 FINAL Cut Off:

Provisional Allotment

Maximum Score 46.30 45.10 50.20 57.40 52.70 55.20 40.50
Minimum Score 33.70 10/09 /91 28.60 30/06 /92 37.00 06/06 /95 39.90 28/08 /93 31.40 12/12 /90 33.10 01/04 /86 25.40 22/12 /86

Candidates are requested to visit the page regularly in order to know IBPS PO Cut-Off (Preliminary, Mains & Final). IBPS is likely to declare the cut-off soon stating the minimum and maximum marks scored by candidates who cleared IBPS PO Prelims Examination. Candidates who cleared IBPS PO Prelims can prepare for the upcoming Mains Examination by taking into account the cut-off for last year. Those who were unable to clear the preliminary round must start their preparation for IBPS PO 2021. The preparation can be done judiciously by knowing the cut-off for IBPS PO 2020 Exam as scaling the minimum qualifying marks for this exam must be the target of every aspirant.

Click to View IBPS PO Revised Salary Structure

Read More About IBPS PO 2023 Exam

  • Payal Maheshwari

    Payal Maheshwari is a dynamic content creator specializing in lifestyle, marketing, tattoos, and news. With a flair for creativity and a knack for storytelling, she delivers engaging and informative content tailored to diverse audiences.

  • Thiruvenkatam

    Thiru Venkatam is the Chief Editor and CEO of www.tipsclear.com, with over two decades of experience in digital publishing. A seasoned writer and editor since 2002, they have built a reputation for delivering high-quality, authoritative content across diverse topics. Their commitment to expertise and trustworthiness strengthens the platform’s credibility and authority in the online space.

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