Lance Cothern


  • Credit card enthusiast and expert with formal education and work experience in accounting.
  • Holds a Certified Pubic Accountant (CPA) license in Virginia.
  • Has professionally written for several major publications including U.S. News & World Report, Credit Karma, LendingTree and more.
  • Founded Money Manifesto, a personal finance blog, in 2012.


Lance spent six years in public and corporate accounting after graduating from college. In 2012, he started his personal finance blog which is now known as Money Manifesto. Since starting his blog, Lance has become an expert in many personal finance topics including credit and credit cards. He has professionally written for several major publications including U.S. News & World Report, Credit Karma, LendingTree and many more.


Lance received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a major in accounting from James Madison University. He graduated as valedictorian of JMU’s College of Business.

Quote from Lance Cothern

“Money should be responsibly used to help you live your ideal life both now and in the future. Yes, you have to sacrifice some now to prepare yourself for later. Even so, you need to enjoy the journey, too.”

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