Latest 13 Mangalsutra Pendant Designs for Women (2023)

mangalsutra pendent designs

As most of us know that Mangalsutra is important for married Indian women. As the time has changed the designs and the styling of the Mangalsutra has also evolved and changed. This is why these days, you see mangalsutras in all types of designs giving the basic black thread and beads in them. So, here we have compiled the latest designs of Mangalsutra pendants for you. The side chains are made up of gold that contains little Black Beads in them at regular interval. Therefore, pendent design is to be looked at primarily that makes up the entire design. Out of these designs you can choose the one that you like.

Latest Mangalsutra Pendant Designs for Women (2023)

1. Carved out pendant design for Mangalsutra

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It has a triangular feel to it. On the bottom, the multiple solid gold beads have been stuck together to give it an edge. The design looks very pretty and can be replicated in both long and short Mangalsutra.

2. Traditional Mangalsutra Pendant

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It has a drop shape that has been tagged in descending size and there are tiny ghungroos used on both the sides. In the centre as well the ghungroos along with the centre piece with loreals gives it a very unique feel. Designs like these are very attractive and different. So, if you would like to wear something that attracts the attention then these designs can be tried.

3. Delicate Floral Mangalsutra Pendant

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This is a delicate and extremely simplistic pendent design that we loved. The thin chain can be replaced by a thick chain as well. It can also be made in the longer version. The floral designs are made up of solid gold. There are no diamonds in it though diamonds can also be added in the centre of the two flowers that are there in the middle part.

4. Diamond and Solid Gold Design

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This design is beautiful with a lots of Diamonds to single muscle tear drop shaped pearls and in between the solid gold shapes that adds more beauty to this design. This is by far is one of the best designs for short and long mangalsutra. A lot of women would love to have a design like this. If not then, you can also use stones instead of the diamonds.

5. Circular Pendant Design

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The design is made up of 5 circles 3 Above and 2 in between those. The circles are start and filled up with Diamonds. This is the best diamond mangalsutra pendant design. It can be made with a 16 or 2 thing changed to hold the pendant and to be secured that it will not fall off. Then change the delicate so they are more susceptible to break during everyday we are.

6. Floral Gold Mangalsutra Pendant

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This design has the loops and floral curved cover design with a teardrop ball at the centre. The design is quite attractive and cute looking and has been loved by women of all age groups. You can make one for yourself and trust us it will look as stunning. It can also be replicated with filling up of all the leaves area with diamonds. If budget is not a constraint for you.

7. Simplistic Mangalsutra Pendant Design

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The design is very simple curvy leafy design made in solid gold. But we would recommend that you add at least two chains or one medium sized chain in thickness. As the chains shown in the design are very thin that can get damaged easily.

8. Floral Diamond Mangalsutra Design

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This ravishing looking design has leave like designs. The entire shape is filled up with small Diamonds. It is an extremely attractive and stunning looking design of mangalsutra pendant in diamonds. If you  would like to replicate this design then go only for the gold part.

9. Two String Diamond Mangalsutra Pendant

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The curvy design has lots of small diamonds used at some space in between. The centerpiece has a little tear drop shaped gold bead. The small diamonds make a beautiful field and addition to this design. It can be worn for parties and weddings. It can also be made with longer chain.

10. Gold Mangalsutra Pendant with 2 chains

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The design is a floral design made with just the gold. On each side there are two strings with black beads. The design is extremely pretty with the centre floral part and on sides, you can see heart shaped motifes running on each side.

11. Mangalsutra Pendant with Stones and Diamonds

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This pendant design has multiple size stones that are set close together. Is a line of black coloured stones and on both side there are diamonds. Design is unique, just that the chain used, doesn’t go well with this design. A bit of heavy chain would do proper justice to this beautiful design. It can be worn by young brides and by women of all age group.

12. Kundan Style Mangalsutra Pendant

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If you look at this design it will remind you of the Kundan jadau jewellery designs. It is definitely as one of the most different looking designs. The design is not like that we see everywhere or it doesn’t resemble most of the design it is unique in itself. If you like something different then don’t forget to go for this one.

13. Layered Mangalsutra Design

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The design is layered with four floral shapes and heart that carries two hearts and a Centre circular piece. In between there is gold used. It has both white gold and yellow gold with Diamonds.

So these were the mangalsutra pendant designs if you like you can replicate any of these.


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