Learn how you can go from beginner to diabetic cooking pro!

To cook diabetic-friendly meals can seem like a daunting challenge at first, but with proper planning and the right knowledge, it can be a breeze to cook delicious and healthy meals.

Read on to learn more about how you can go from beginner to diabetic cooking pro!

diabetic cooking pro


The first step to learning how to cook as a diabetic is understanding how carbohydrates interact with your diabetes. Because diabetes is caused by your body being unable to produce enough insulin for your needs, many people with diabetes carefully plan the number of carbohydrates they eat daily. Consuming excessive amounts of carbs or not enough throughout the day can cause your blood sugar levels to fluctuate throughout the day.

Your doctor will be able to help you determine how you should be counting carbs, what carbs you should focus on having in your diet, and how to plan your meals out to keep your blood sugar stable throughout the day. New research has led to doctors no longer recommending a one-size-fits-all approach to the number of carbs a person with diabetes should eat per day. Your doctor or nutritionist will help you develop a carb counting plan that fits your specific needs.

However, a good general rule of thumb is to focus on adding more complex carbohydrates than the simple sugars that make up prepackaged snacks, junk food, and fast-food meals to your diet. For example, carbs from non-starchy vegetables, eggs, and whole wheat bread are preferable to the carbs found in a sweetened iced coffee or a deep-dish pizza.


Because counting carbohydrates can take extra time during meal prep, especially when you’re just learning how to, meal planning ahead of time can help take the lost time out of preparing diabetic-friendly meals. You can choose to plan out a week’s worth of meals every Sunday before you go grocery shopping or work with your doctor or nutritionist to create a personalized meal plan on a longer-term basis. Meal planning can help you manage your diabetes without constantly stopping to read nutrition labels.

Meal planning for seniors or those with diabetes is no different than any other type of meal planning. While it may take some time for you to become familiar with the technique, if you stick with meal planning, it can save you plenty of time and guesswork managing your carbohydrate intake.


As we mentioned earlier, every person with diabetes will develop a different nutritional plan working together with their doctor. However, all diabetics should work to incorporate more healthy foods into their diets. From spinach and chickpeas to wild rice, there are a variety of new and exciting healthy foods that you can include one meal at a time.

If new and fancy food isn’t your thing, there are plenty of old favorites that still make the list of healthy foods. Plenty of familiar and delicious foods make great bases or additions to healthy meals perfect for those trying to manage their diabetes. Delicious healthy diabetic-friendly foods include:

  • Spinach, kale, and any other leafy green
  • Eggs
  • Almonds, cashews, and walnuts
  • Broccoli and cauliflower
  • Squash, eggplant, and zucchini
  • Fish
  • Brown and wild rice
  • Steel-cut oatmeal

While this is by no means exhaustive, there are plenty of foods that you may eat every day that fall into the category of healthy! While it’s always a good idea to expand your horizons by adding a new vegetable or of protein to your routine now and then, there’s no reason to stray away from old favorites that can help you manage your blood sugar levels.

About Tips Clear

Tips Clear is a seasoned writer and digital marketing expert with over a decade of experience in creating high-quality, engaging content for a diverse audience. He specializes in blogging, SEO, and digital marketing strategies, and has a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies. Tips Clear's work has been featured on various prominent platforms, and he is committed to providing valuable insights and practical tips to help readers navigate the digital landscape.