Top 20+ of the coolest DIY Halloween decorations, to get your creativity going

The Halloween decoration, you want it! The thing is, you’d like to do something more original than anything on the shelf, like plastic pumpkins or cobwebs filled with fake plastic spiders. In short, you want to change from the decoration that you see everywhere and even if it means doing something cool, as long as…

Top 12 fates of forgotten stars of the 2000s (those we didn’t know we missed)

The 2000s were a very prosperous period for the planet: we saw the birth of Topito, we witnessed the rise of tecktonik and we wore ballerina flats of our own free will. We have also known incredible stars who have unfairly lost their magnificence over the years. So in memory of these beautiful moments spent…

Top 10 flirting criteria claimed by famous men, who do they think they are??

Everyone has the right to love whoever they hear. You know the song about “tastes and colors”. As a result, we do not judge who is attracted to whom. On the other hand, what we consider strong are the declarations of certain famous men on what is or is not desirable in a woman, and…

Top 12 worst fads that are coming back (warning, danger)

Yes, we know! “Fashion is an eternal renewal”, BLAH-BLAH-BLAH. I don’t mind that our tastes change over time, that certain things that we thought were cool before end up not appearing so pretty to us. In that sense, it’s ok. But on the other hand, this thing of coming out of the horrors’ dungeon to…

Top 15 characters from our childhood who have already done it, we are not fooled

When we come back to certain cartoon characters from our childhood with our adult eyes, certain things jump out at us, things that the Bible and morality condemn. And that is precisely the topic of today’s top: which characters from our childhood have objectively already done it together. If you want to keep an innocent…