Top 11 things we are told are dangerous when not at all, useless freaks

Unlike stuff that doesn’t look dangerous but is, like water or potato chips, some creepy things in our daily lives aren’t nearly as bad as we think. They are in fact victims of our prejudices because we are all a bit of a freak when there is often no reason. Here is something to calm…

Top 10 series that go a little too far in the clichés, we no longer believe it

If you like watching Desperate Housewives or Riverdale the absurd series, it’s because you don’t care about clichés in the series. We accept without flinching when the series is shitty because that’s what makes its charm, but some ridiculous shots completely take us out of the story. A little consistency please, we’re not asking for…

Top 10 things that are presented as romantic in movies when it’s atrocious in real life

We will never have finished debunking the big lies of cinema, but we will try to do it anyway. Today, it’s the so-called romanticism of the movies that will take it for its rank, because that’s enough: Hollywood has to stop making us believe that certain things are too cute / too romantic / too…

Top 50+ activités à offrir pour la fête des pères

La fête des pères n’est pas juste synonyme de cadeau trouver au dernier moment ou d’enquêtes réalisées auprès de ta famille pour savoir ce qu’il lui ferait vraiment plaisir. Tu peux faire des activités insolites avec tes amis, ta fratrie, ta moitié… mais avec ton père c’est plus marrant non ? En plus, c’est une…

Top 25+ original tufted carpets, those to put in your living room

If you don’t know tufting, it’s the trend that’s emerging on the networks right now: basically it’s rugs or pieces of carpet that are created from yarn. We can give them the shape we want and it becomes a nice furry carpet. It’s certainly stylish, but it takes time (and talent) if you want to…