Top 15 of the best tweets about the end of classes, all at the cantoche

The studies, from college to high school, may be a period full of good times (especially when you had 17 in music for your performance of “Heureux qui comme Ulysse” on the flute), when the time comes for the final exams year or the dissertation, we still pull the face a little. So while waiting…

Top 15 different types of breakups, a top to send to your ex

Ruptures are like sauces for pasta: there are several types. Ok, I’m very bad at making comparisons, but very good at relationships (I’ve already kissed my dog), so I’m going to explain all the types of breakups that exist. Get ready to relive highlights from your own personal story. Feel free to tag your ex…

Top 14 companies that made communication mistakes, oops the dumpling

People make a lot of mistakes in life and in the end, isn’t that what makes the salt of our humanity? After school failures, Braille failures for the blind and the dumbest design failures, we look at new communication errors committed by companies and there is food and drink (not really, c is an expression,…