The best classes in Lords of the Fallen

Choosing your class at the beginning of an RPG is not an uncommon task. What makes this especially important in a title like Soul Lord of the fallen, However, this is how influential the initial decision is. Your choice of class determines not only what weapons and armor you start the game with, but more importantly, your starting stats. Some are easily understood as strength and vitality, while agility is a little more obscure. And Radiance and Inferno are completely incomprehensible if you have no prior knowledge about them. Which class you want to take depends entirely on what you want to focus your build on, so we’ll make some picks for the best classes no matter what type of player you want to be. . lord of the fall,

The best classes in Lords of the Fallen

Class selection screen in Lords of the Fallen.
CI Games

lord of the fall Gives you nine classes to choose from by default, or 10 if you have access to the Dark Crusader class, plus three more you can unlock. We’ll only focus on base nine as they are the only bases everyone will have access to when first starting the game.

holy knight

For less experienced players, or for those who just want to start with a reliable, but basic class lord of the fall, Hallowed Night is the friendliest class. It starts with a good sword and plenty of protection, thanks to a shield and heavy ranged armor that will help you avoid some rookie mistakes while staying in the medium equipped load range. This is a class that is most equipped for Strength builds, but you can also assign a few points to Radiance if you want some backup magic on hand. Here are the preliminary stats for Hallowed Nights:

Strength: 12

Agility: 8

Stamina: 15

Vitality: 11

Brightness: 9

Hell: 8

Udirangar Warwolf

If in your plan lord of the fall Moving on strength and dodging skills alone, Udiranger Warwolf will make you howl in triumph. Boasting the highest starting power stat of any class, as well as a massive sword that can carry you for quite a while, this class is like a glass cannon. Your health won’t deplete much, but you’re starting the game with basically no armor or defensive options, including a shield, meaning you’ll need to use your dodging skills to complete this build. I have to be convinced. These are the stats you’ll start with:

Strength: 16

Agility: 10

Stamina: 13

Vitality: 10

Brightness: 8

Hell: 8

BlackFeather Ranger

Range construction is difficult to carry forward, and the Blackfeather Ranger is not that attractive on the surface. For one thing, it starts at a lower level than all the other classes, but that’s in its advantage. Starting at level 8, you are given more freedom to choose how to distribute your points early on, rather than being locked into a build. This class’s stats start out almost flat across the board, but with a bias towards agility. Although you get an ax and shield, it’s the bow that will make this class useful in the early game. If you can make your shots count and keep enemies at bay, this is a great class to pursue. Here are your starting stats:

Strength: 11

Agility: 13

Stamina: 11

Vitality: 10

Brightness: 8

Hell: 8

orion preacher

your magic options lord of the fall Will fall into one of the Radiance or Inferno categories, with the former being a little more balanced on defensive and offensive spells, while the latter focuses heavily on damage output. We prefer Radiance, where the Orion preacher shines, if you’ll pardon the pun. Thankfully, you’ll start out with offensive spells to get ahead, but healing and buffing spells will quickly come in to deplete your options. This makes this class best for co-op as you can also support your friends by healing and buffing. Here are the starting stats for Orion Preacher:

Strength: 10

Agility: 8

Stamina: 9

Vitality: 11

Brightness: 18

Hell: 8

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