The Mountain Echoes Festival 2020: A Communion Of Bibliophiles

As a child, summer meant the joy of sitting and reading a book in a long, lazy sitting room, preferably outside. In adulthood, this experience is rare. That’s why we’re excited to tell you that you can rejuvenate your relationship with books by participating. Mountain Echoes Festival This year in Thimphu, Bhutan. A gathering of writers, biographers, historians, environmentalists, scholars, photographers, poets, musicians, artists and filmmakers, the event is a great opportunity to connect with fellow book lovers and acquaint yourself with perspectives that might otherwise be under-heard in the literary conversation. Are rarely heard.

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Mountain Echoes Festival 2020

Mountain Echoes Festival 2019

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The Mountain Echoes Literary Festival in Thimphu, Bhutan has come a long way in ten years. This event is an initiative of India Bhutan Foundation in collaboration with Siyahi. It is presented by Jaypee Group. The 9th edition of the Mountain Echoes Literary Festival included a number of special events ranging from author talks to workshops and exhibitions. Tickets for Mountain Echoes Festival 2020 will be available online soon. General admission tickets won’t cost you anything.

date: yet to be announced
Time: 10 am to 10 pm
venue: Royal University of Bhutan, Thimphu, Bhutan
dress code: informal
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Highlights of 2018

Highlights of 2018

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Almost all the programs of Bhutan Literature Festival 2018 were special for the audience. Kezang Dorji and Maniya Dhubi OG’s discussion on the growing popularity of rap in Bhutan received thunderous applause. Usha Uthup stunned everyone with her sharp wit and mesmerizing performance. She sang the evergreen classic song ‘Yeh Dosti’ from the film Sholay, describing the unbreakable bond between India and Bhutan.

Through the workshop Spoken Word 101, poet Sarah Kay leads participants on a practical tour of spoken word poetry, leaving them with the tools they need to begin writing and creating their own work. Noted writer Nilanjana S Roy (pictured) talks about the habits and inspirations of writers and thinkers. Sonam Chopel, founder of Drexel, Bhutan’s largest online marketplace and artisan products store, and Tsedon Dorji, managing director of youth-oriented Bhutanese radio station Kuzu FM, discussed the aspirations and realities of the young and the restless.

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Traveler Tips

Traveler Tips

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In its eleventh edition, the Mountain Echoes Literary Festival 2020 shows no signs of slowing down. If you are planning to attend this fantastic 3-day event then here are some important things you should keep in mind:

  • A creative high comes from surrounding yourself with people who have taken the world by storm with their passion and determination. Make sure you understand this and do your best to fully dedicate yourself to the festival experience.
  • Study the program guide thoroughly before the program starts. When your panel ends, if you don’t know exactly where you’re going next, you may miss out on an insightful session.
  • Pay attention to the locations of the venue. Some parallel discussions may require you to change locations.
  • Book your flight tickets and accommodation in advance to avoid last minute hassles.

5 Attractions near the Festival Venue

We have carefully listed 5 attractions around the Royal University of Bhutan where the Mountain Echoes Festival is being held. Be sure to visit as many of them as you can:

1. Buddha Point (Kuensel Phodrang)

Buddha Point

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Located a short distance from Thimphu city centre, visitors can get a good overview of the Thimphu Valley from Buddha Point (Kuensel Phodrang). You can pay your respects and pray to the Buddha, the largest statue in the country, and then wander around and take a glimpse of the valley. Here you can interact with some of the monks who have dedicated their lives to spirituality and Buddhism.

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2. Institute of Traditional Medicine

Institute of Traditional Medicine

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In Bhutan, equal emphasis is given to both allopathic and traditional medicines. Rich herbal medicines made from medicinal plants present in abundance in the state are prepared and distributed here. The institute is also a training school for traditional medicine practitioners. Keeping cleanliness in mind the complex is closed to visitors, but one can roam around it and see it from outside.

3. National Handicrafts Emporium

National Handicraft Emporium

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With the opening of the National Handicraft Emporium, Bhutanese textiles have reached new heights as one of the most visible distinctive art forms. The Textile Museum has opened its exhibitions on six major themes – warp pattern weaving, weft pattern weaving, role of textiles in religion, achievements in textile art, textiles made from indigenous fibers and royal collections.

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4. Trashy Choe Dzong

Trashy Choe Dzong

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Also known as the “Fortress of the Glorious Dharma”, it was initially built in 1641 and later rebuilt in its present form by King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck in 1965. Dzong House, the main secretariat building containing the throne room of His Majesty, the King of Bhutan. The National Assembly Hall is located in a modern building across the river from the dzong. During the hot summer months, the group of monks headed by His Holiness, Je Khenpo, makes their home at the dzong.

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5. Craft Market

craft market

Credit: Juhi Sharma

Held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Shatabdi Farmers Market under the patronage of the Cottage and Small Industries Department and in collaboration with the Department of Culture, Tourism Council and Agricultural Marketing and Cooperative Societies, this market features authentic Bhutanese arts and crafts and thus contributes to the traditional For the promotion, protection and conservation of the arts.

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How to reach Mountain Echoes Festival

It is easy to get to the Royal University of Bhutan by taxi from anywhere in Thimphu. Tell the taxi driver the name of the location and make sure to confirm the tariff before boarding the taxi. It will take you about 20-30 minutes to reach the institute from the city. To reach the Festival of Arts, Literature and Culture, ask the driver to go through the main gate of the University and drop you off at the parking lot.

read ahead: Your all-inclusive travel guide to Chelela Pass in Bhutan

Bhutan’s cultural landscape has witnessed a flourishing of literature, cinema, art and music over the years. The Mountain Echoes Festival has brought forward inspiring ideas and successfully showcased the talent of Bhutan to a world audience. The programme’s illustrious journey reflects the extraordinary intellectual energy in Bhutan, evident in the abundance of creative voices. If you believe that art has the power to be an agent of change, then book your trip to Bhutan immediately and immerse yourself in this cultural celebration. We promise it will be worth your time.

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